We are happy to announce a new Themler version 567.
Joomla 5 is now supported!
Also, in this update the issues are fixed that caused warnings and notices with Themler for Wordpress and PHP 7.x.
Why haven't you updated Themler yet?
So in all honesty, I'm not the only one who expects this software to be updated, but many of your customers do.
I expect the update of the software and the free...
I have been using Aritsteer for many, many years. I have over 70 current, live websites that were built with it. The problem is now with the newest version of PHP, the site completely breaks and is...
i made an account, and after the i confirm my registration from email. but now the issue came in server and i posted a comnt, which is not dwsplayed due server issue, how it would be resolved?
I bought Themler licence and I'm disappionted because online Themler editor works so slow...
I work on wordpress platform and use online editors on my sites.
Please tell me why it works so slow...
buon giorno, per problemi di stabilità del sistema ho dovuto ripristinare le partizioni del disco con una immagine precedentemente salvata. Ho perso gli ultimi aggiornamenti del sito in Themler. E'...
I noticed that when the website with Joomla 4 and a Themler template is switched to offline mode, the image is missing on the online page. Does anyone have a solution how to display the image...
Hello, after last updates in themler there is new button in posts: "Edit in Themler" (http://joxi.ru/vAWXL6DSkNVyNr), i would like to not have this button for the authors of my sites. How can i...
I have just discovered that a layout I have made in Themler does not work in Chrome, Internet Exploder or Firefox but works in Safari (on a Mac).
Next to...
Hello developers! I noticed one bug. For example, in Mobile menu using a multilevel menu (ex.1 level "Shop" - 2 level "Category"- 3 level "Product") in mode Accordion with Action "Expand on click" and...
Themler Desktop Beta version is finally here!
This version allows creating themes directly on your computer and you are not required to use any external web hosting.
Thanks to HTML 5 AppCache...