Themler Desktop is not working

If you experience any difficulty with Themler Desktop Beta, please follow these steps:

  1. Please go to Windows Start Menu >> run Themler Diagnostics Tool >> use "Copy to clipboard" button to copy the output >> create .txt file and paste the copied log into this file >> attach .txt file to support topic.
  2. Do you use proxy? If so, please check the settings and make sure you have the following option activated:
    Bypass proxy server for local addresses

  3. Exclude the following services from your Firewall/Anti-virus:

    • ThemlerApache
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\apache\bin\hthemlerd.exe
    • ThemlerMySql
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\mysql\bin\mythemlerd.exe

How To Get Themler installation Logs

If for some reason Themler Desktop installation failed and Diagnostics Tool wasn't installed please provide support team with installation logs.
For this follow these steps:

  1. open Windows Explorer
  2. type %temp% in the address bar and press "Enter"
  3. find themler_install.log file and attach it to the support topic.

ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error on startup

If you successfully installed Themler Desktop but the following error appears on startup:


then most probably the issue is related to antivirus software.

We recommend the following steps to solve this issue:

  • Temporarily disable antivirus and try again.
  • Add C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\apache\bin\hthemlerd.exe and C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\mysql\bin\mythemlerd.exe to the antivirus list of exceptions (while list).

How to clear browser cache

If you receive "Sorry, an error has occurred. Please clear your browsers cache." error


please follow these steps to fix this issue:

  1. Open Themler
  2. Press F12 to open DevTools.
  3. Open Settings:


  4. Disable cache:


  5. Press F5 to refresh page.

Alternative method

  1. Close Themler.
  2. Find and rename c:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Themler\ChromeData folder (e.g. "ChromeData_1").
  3. Open Themler.

Debug mode

In Debug Mode Themler creates extended logs that will help to investigate various issues.

  1. To start Themler in Debug mode please go to Windows Start Menu >> Themler >> Themler (Debug mode):


  2. Reproduce the issue.

  3. Close Themler
  4. Provide support with logs from Themler Diagnostics. For this please go to Windows Start Menu >> run Themler Diagnostics Tool >> use "Copy to clipboard" button to copy the output >> create .txt file and paste the copied log into this file >> attach .txt file to support topic.

See Also:

Themler Desktop FAQ

- [Themler Desktop is not working](#installation) - [How To Get Themler installation Logs](#logs) - [ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error on startup](#empty_response) - [How to clear Browser Cache](#clear_cache) - [How to clear AppCache](page:14063) - [Run Themler in Debug Mode](#debug_mode) <a id="installation"></a> ### Themler Desktop is not working If you experience any difficulty with Themler Desktop Beta, please follow these steps: 1. Please go to Windows Start Menu >> run **Themler Diagnostics Tool** >> use "Copy to clipboard" button to copy the output >> create .txt file and paste the copied log into this file >> attach .txt file to support topic. 2. Do you use proxy? If so, please check the settings and make sure you have the following option activated: *Bypass proxy server for local addresses* 4. Exclude the following services from your Firewall/Anti-virus: - ThemlerApache C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\apache\bin\hthemlerd.exe - ThemlerMySql C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\mysql\bin\mythemlerd.exe <a id="logs"></a> ### How To Get Themler installation Logs If for some reason Themler Desktop installation failed and Diagnostics Tool wasn't installed please provide support team with installation logs. For this follow these steps: 1. open Windows Explorer 2. type `%temp%` in the address bar and press "Enter" 3. find <tt>themler_install.log</tt> file and attach it to the support topic. <a id="empty_response"></a> ### ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error on startup If you successfully installed Themler Desktop but the following error appears on startup: !chrome-error.png! then most probably the issue is related to antivirus software. We recommend the following steps to solve this issue: - Temporarily disable antivirus and try again. - Add <tt>C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\apache\bin\hthemlerd.exe</tt> and <tt>C:\Program Files (x86)\Themler\bin\mysql\bin\mythemlerd.exe</tt> to the antivirus list of exceptions (while list). <a id="clear_cache"></a> ### How to clear browser cache If you receive <tt>"Sorry, an error has occurred. Please clear your browsers cache."</tt> error !UpdateLoadError.png! please follow these steps to fix this issue: 1. Open Themler 2. Press **F12** to open DevTools. 3. Open **Settings**: !disable-cache-step2.png! 4. Disable cache: !disable-cache-step3.png! 5. Press **F5** to refresh page. #### Alternative method 1. Close Themler. 2. Find and rename <tt>c:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Themler\ChromeData</tt> folder (e.g. "ChromeData_1"). 3. Open Themler. <a id="debug_mode"></a> ### Debug mode In Debug Mode Themler creates extended logs that will help to investigate various issues. 1. To start Themler in Debug mode please go to Windows Start Menu >> Themler >> Themler (Debug mode): !debug-mode.png! 2. Reproduce the issue. 3. Close Themler 4. Provide support with logs from Themler Diagnostics. For this please go to Windows Start Menu >> run **Themler Diagnostics Tool** >> use "Copy to clipboard" button to copy the output >> create .txt file and paste the copied log into this file >> attach .txt file to support topic. ### See Also: [Themler Desktop FAQ](page:14435) [1]: [2]:!!disable-cache-step3.png!!disable-cache-step3.png!