- How To Start HTML Site Builder
How To Edit the content
- Content and Templates
- Content Types
- Where To Start editing content
- How To Edit Pages
-- How To Add Page
-- Page Properties
Themler supports creating of Static HTML websites. With Themler you can edit the theme and the content and receive ready-to-use static HTML site.
How To Start HTML Site Builder
You can start working with HTML site builder in one of the following ways:
Install default theme on your local/hosted webserver.
The previous article describes how to install Themler theme on your local/hosted webserver and start Themler.
Download and install Themler Desktop:
Once you downloaded and installed Themler Desktop please launch it and choose HTML theme:
Then open default "Untitled" theme to start.
Note: As you can see on the Pricing page there is a Light subscription that includes HTML site builder for free. With the Light subscription you're limited to create 10 pages and 10 posts only.
How To Edit
Content and Templates
HTML site builder provides a number of templates to help you in designing website:
- Home template. Used for website Front Page.
- Page template. Automatically applied to Pages.
- Post template. Automatically applied to Posts.
- Blog template. Used by the Blog page.
Template is responsible for the appearance of the website pages (header, footer, background, typography, etc). This is design part.
Content is a page specific content that describes the page. It's unique for each page.
So, what are Template and Content? In short, Content is everything inside container within the green border, "Page" area. Template is everything outside this container.
Let's say you're working with Pages. All controls and contents added inside "Page" container (with green border) will appear on this specific page only. All controls added outside Page container will appear on all pages because they are a part of the design.
Content Types
There are three types of content:
The Themler HTML site builder allows to create either Pages or Posts.
Post is a regular blog entry. The Blog page lists Posts in reverse chronological order.
Pages are for content such as "Home", "About", "Contact us", etc that are outside blog chronology. You can use Page content type to organize and manage any content of your website.
Where To Start
Start working with HTML site builder from "Pages & Posts" oanel on the left where you can see a list of already existing pages and posts, add new, duplicate or remove page or post. On this tab you can also adjust Page and Post Properties.
Use Drag & Drop to change the order of pages and posts:
How To Edit Pages
How To Add Page
Let's add new page. For this you should navigate "Pages & Posts" on the left panel >> click Pages >> New Page and choose the type of the page that you want to add: New page or New Child page.
Page attributes
Once you added a new page you can edit page properties by selecting Properties in the Pages list. Page Properties will be on the right panel:

- Title. This is a name of the page. This title is used in the list of pages, as Menu Item title and by the Page Title control.
- HEAD Title. This title is used as the menu item tooltip and as
element in the HEAD section of the page.
- Navigation Label. This parameter defines the URL name of the page, e.g.
where mypage
is Navigation label.
- Template. This options allows to choose a different template for the Page: Blog, Page or Home template.
Note: The switching page template to Blog will change its type to Blog. In this case you will loose the existing page content.
- Additional CSS and Additional HEAD HTML make it possible to add custom CSS and custom Head elements to this specific page.
- Parent. You can choose the Parent page for this page or convert subpage to Parent page if needed.
- Show in ... Menu. These options define whether to show a link to this page in the appropriate menu.
- Custom URL. Use this option if you need to make a menu item which navigates to the external page to anchor (see How To Create OnePage Website).
If you need to specify an external URL please enter it in the following format:
- Target. This options defines where to open the linked page (new window or tab, same window, etc).
-MEGA MENU settings allow to customize the MegaMenu layout for this page.
See Also
How To Install HTML Theme
How To Password Protect Themler Editor
How To Create OnePage Website
- How To Start HTML Site Builder
- How To Edit the content
- Content and Templates
- Content Types
- Where To Start editing content
- How To Edit Pages
-- How To Add Page
-- Page Properties
Themler supports creating of **Static HTML websites**. With Themler you can edit the theme and the content and receive ready-to-use static HTML site.
## How To Start HTML Site Builder
You can start working with **HTML site builder** in one of the following ways:
1. Install default theme on your local/hosted webserver.
The [previous article](page:25259) describes how to install Themler theme on your local/hosted webserver and start Themler.
2. [Download][1] and install Themler Desktop:
Once you downloaded and installed Themler Desktop please launch it and choose **HTML** theme:
Then open default "Untitled" theme to start.
**Note:** As you can see on the [Pricing][2] page there is a **Light** subscription that includes **HTML site builder** for free. With the **Light** subscription you're limited to create 10 pages and 10 posts only.
## How To Edit
<a id="content-templates"></a>
### Content and Templates
HTML site builder provides a number of templates to help you in designing website:
- **Home** template. Used for website Front Page.
- **Page** template. Automatically applied to Pages.
- **Post** template. Automatically applied to Posts.
- **Blog** template. Used by the Blog page.
**Template** is responsible for the appearance of the website pages (header, footer, background, typography, etc). This is design part.
**Content** is a page specific content that describes the page. It's unique for each page.
So, what are Template and Content? In short, **Content** is everything inside **container within the green border, "Page" area**. **Template** is everything outside this container.
Let's say you're working with Pages. All controls and contents added inside "Page" container (with green border) will appear on this specific page only. All controls added outside Page container will appear on all pages because they are a part of the design.
### Content Types
There are three types of content:
- Page
- Post
- Blog Page
The Themler HTML site builder allows to create either Pages or Posts.
**Post** is a regular blog entry. The **Blog** page lists Posts in reverse chronological order.
**Pages** are for content such as "Home", "About", "Contact us", etc that are outside blog chronology. You can use Page content type to organize and manage any content of your website.
### Where To Start
Start working with HTML site builder from **"Pages & Posts"** oanel on the left where you can see a list of already existing pages and posts, add new, duplicate or remove page or post. On this tab you can also adjust Page and Post Properties.
Use **Drag & Drop** to change the order of pages and posts:
### How To Edit Pages
#### How To Add Page
Let's add new page. For this you should navigate **"Pages & Posts"** on the left panel >> click Pages >> New Page and choose the type of the page that you want to add: New page or New Child page.
#### Page attributes
Once you added a new page you can edit page properties by selecting Properties in the Pages list. Page Properties will be on the right panel:
- **Title**. This is a name of the page. This title is used in the list of pages, as Menu Item title and by the Page Title control.
- **HEAD Title**. This title is used as the menu item tooltip and as `<title></title>` element in the HEAD section of the page.
- **Navigation Label**. This parameter defines the URL name of the page, e.g.
where `mypage` is Navigation label.
- **Template**. This options allows to choose a different template for the Page: Blog, Page or Home template.
**Note:** The switching page template to Blog will change its type to Blog. In this case you will loose the existing page content.
- **Additional CSS** and **Additional HEAD HTML** make it possible to add custom CSS and custom Head elements to this specific page.
- **Parent**. You can choose the Parent page for this page or convert subpage to Parent page if needed.
- **Show in ... Menu.** These options define whether to show a link to this page in the appropriate menu.
- **Custom URL**. Use this option if you need to make a menu item which navigates to the external page to anchor (see [How To Create OnePage Website](page:36573)).
If you need to specify an external URL please enter it in the following format:
- **Target**. This options defines where to open the linked page (new window or tab, same window, etc).
-**MEGA MENU** settings allow to customize the [MegaMenu](page:94346) layout for this page.
### See Also
[How To Install HTML Theme](page:25259)
[How To Password Protect Themler Editor](page:26847)
[How To Create OnePage Website](page:36573)
[1]: http://themler.io/download
[2]: http://themler.io/Purchase