Theme Archive Structure

The Themler theme for Drupal is a complete advanced theme which can be used on any Drupal version (6.x, 7.x).

The downloaded theme archive contains several folders:
- "6.x" - this is theme module for Drupal 6.
- "modules" - theme module for Drupal 7.x. This module enables the option to load Themler to edit the theme.
- "themes" - this folder contains themes.

The "themes" folder contains two themes: basic theme and preview theme (named as <ThemeName_preview>). You see the Preview theme in the Themler preview area and when you click Live Preview - this allows you to make and preview changes without saving. Once you click "Apply theme to CMS", the basic theme will be updated.

NOTE: Since there are two fully functional themes, you should manage Drupal Blocks in regions for both themes.

How to Install Drupal 7.x Theme

Because of the advanced theme folder structure, the theme can be installed by FTP only.

  1. Unpack the downloaded theme archive.
  2. Open the /modules folder and upload "themler" folder to the Drupal sites/all/modules directory.
  3. Open the /themes folder and copy the <ThemeName> folder to the Drupal sites/all/themes directory.
  4. Go to the Drupal Administration >> Modules and enable "Themler" module.
  5. Go to the Drupal Administration >> Appearance and enable the newly installed theme.
    NOTE: Once you have activated the theme, you will see that the <ThemeName_preview> theme was also installed and activated - this theme is used for Themler Live Preview.

How to install Drupal 6.x theme

  1. Open 6.x/modules folder and upload the "themler" folder to the Drupal sites/all/modules directory.
  2. Open the "themes" folder and copy the <ThemeName> folder to the Drupal sites/all/themes directory.
  3. Open the <ThemeName> folder and move <ThemeName_preview> theme folder to the sites/all/themes directory.
  4. Open the themes/versions/6.x folder, find the <ThemeName>.inf file and change its extension to .info - this will create the theme .info file which contains a proper Drupal 6.x version.
  5. Move & replace the new <ThemeName>.info file to the Drupal sites/all/themes/<ThemeName> directory.
    Repeat the same steps for <ThemeName_preview> theme.
    NOTE: Theme cannot contain two .info files at the same time.
  6. Go to the Drupal Administer >> Site Building >> Themes and enable the newly installed theme.
  7. Go to the Drupal Administer >> Site Building >> Modules and enable the "Themler" module.


In order to edit a template in Themler and save changes to the template, please make sure that the user and group running on the web server are granted the appropriate read, write and execute (linux only) permissions on the following folders, as well as read and write permission on the files in these folders:




depending on where you installed the theme.

How to do this for MacOS or Linux systems:

  1. Login to ssh/terminal under privileged user, get sufficient access rights if necessary using sudo or su to make the following changes
  2. cd your_web_site_root
    For example:
    cd /var/www/worpress
  3. chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX folder_name
    For example:
    chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX app/code/local
  4. chown -R < user>:< group> folder_name
    For example:
    chown --R apache:apache app/code/local

Note: This is a general approach. We would recommend that you ask your hosting administrator to grant access permissions for the listed folders and files.

###Theme Archive Structure The Themler theme for Drupal is a complete advanced theme which can be used on any Drupal version (6.x, 7.x). The downloaded theme archive contains several folders: - *"6.x"* - this is theme module for Drupal 6. - *"modules"* - theme module for Drupal 7.x. This module enables the option to load Themler to edit the theme. - *"themes"* - this folder contains themes. The **"themes"** folder contains **two themes**: *basic* theme and *preview* theme (named as &lt;ThemeName_preview&gt;). You see the Preview theme in the Themler preview area and when you click *Live Preview* - this allows you to make and preview changes without saving. Once you click "Apply theme to CMS", the basic theme will be updated. **NOTE:** Since there are two fully functional themes, you should manage Drupal Blocks in regions for both themes. ###How to Install Drupal 7.x Theme Because of the advanced theme folder structure, the theme can be installed by **FTP** only. 1. Unpack the downloaded theme archive. 2. Open the **/modules** folder and upload **"themler"** folder to the Drupal **sites/all/modules** directory. 3. Open the **/themes** folder and copy the &lt;ThemeName&gt; folder to the Drupal **sites/all/themes** directory. 4. Go to the **Drupal Administration** >> **Modules** and enable "Themler" module. 5. Go to the **Drupal Administration** >> **Appearance** and enable the newly installed theme. **NOTE:** Once you have activated the theme, you will see that the &lt;ThemeName_preview&gt; theme was also installed and activated - this theme is used for Themler Live Preview. ###How to install Drupal 6.x theme 1. Open **6.x/modules** folder and upload the **"themler"** folder to the Drupal **sites/all/modules** directory. 2. Open the **"themes"** folder and copy the &lt;ThemeName&gt; folder to the Drupal **sites/all/themes** directory. 3. Open the &lt;ThemeName&gt; folder and move &lt;ThemeName_preview&gt; theme folder to the **sites/all/themes** directory. 4. Open the **themes/versions/6.x** folder, find the **&lt;ThemeName&gt;.inf** file and change its extension to **.info** - this will create the theme .info file which contains a proper Drupal 6.x version. 5. **Move & replace** the new **&lt;ThemeName&gt;.info** file to the Drupal **sites/all/themes/&lt;ThemeName&gt;** directory. Repeat the same steps for &lt;ThemeName_preview&gt; theme. **NOTE:** Theme cannot contain two .info files at the same time. 6. Go to the **Drupal Administer** >> **Site Building** >> **Themes** and enable the newly installed theme. 7. Go to the **Drupal Administer** >> **Site Building** >> **Modules** and enable the **"Themler"** module. ### Permissions In order to edit a template in Themler and save changes to the template, please make sure that the user and group running on the web server are granted the appropriate read, write and execute (linux only) permissions on the following folders, as well as read and write permission on the files in these folders: <pre> sites/default/files/ sites/all/modules/ sites/all/themes/ </pre> or <pre> sites/default/files/ /modules/ /themes/    </pre> depending on where you installed the theme. ### How to do this for MacOS or Linux systems: 1. Login to ssh/terminal under privileged user, get sufficient access rights if necessary using *sudo* or *su* to make the following changes 2. **cd your_web_site_root** For example: <pre>cd */var/www/worpress*</pre> 3. **chmod \-R u=rwX,g=rX folder_name** For example: <pre>chmod \-R u=rwX,g=rX app/code/local</pre> 4. <blink>**chown \-R < user>:< group> folder_name**</blink> For example: <pre>chown \--R apache:apache app/code/local</pre> **Note:** This is a general approach. We would recommend that you ask your hosting administrator to grant access permissions for the listed folders and files. <br/><br/>