Header is the main control for Header Content.
The Header control enables the sharing of content between Templates.
Show/Hide Header
Header control can be added under Template > Show Header
The Header control utilizes the <header>
It includes other controls, like Horizontal Menu, Box.
The Box control may include Headline, Slogan, Search control, etc. For example, you may add Header > Box > Headline, Slogan, etc. inside the Box control.
Usually Header is located at the top of the page.
Adding Controls
To add a control into Header:
1. Start dragging the control into the area at the top marked with orange dashes:
2. Drop the control inside the
Header area:
See Also
Using same control on different Templates
**Header** is the main control for Header Content.
The **Header** control enables the sharing of content between Templates.
### Show/Hide Header
**Header** control can be added under **Template** > **Show Header**
### Usage
The **Header** control utilizes the `<header>` tag.
It includes other controls, like **Horizontal Menu**, **Box**.
The Box control may include **Headline**, **Slogan**, **Search** control, etc. For example, you may add Header > Box > Headline, Slogan, etc. inside the Box control.
Usually **Header** is located at the top of the page.
### Adding Controls
To add a control into **Header**:
1. Start dragging the control into the area at the top marked with orange dashes:
2. Drop the control inside the **Header** area:
### See Also
[Using same control on different Templates](page:4783)