Number of Columns
Product Slider is a control that is only used in eCommerce themes, which adds a block with certain products that can be navigated through like slides.
Each Product Slider is used for products displayed by a specific widget, module, or block (for example, a Product Slider for Featured Products widget in WooCommerce, a Product Slider for New Products block in Magento).
The Product Slider control will appear only if a corresponding widget, module or block is added using the CMS admin panel.
A Product Slider can include product related controls from the Products group, including Product Image, Product Price, Product Text, and Product Buy. Controls like Product Sale or Product New are also displayed for products that are set up in the CMS.
In the Property Window, the display and style settings of the Slider itself, its Grid, and Navigator can be adjusted.
To see more items than what is set up for the Product Slider for a particular view, the Slider Navigator should be used.
If Top Navigation is enabled, the Slider Navigator is brought to the top of the slider, both navigation arrows will be next to each other.
Navigator parameters allow you to customize the Slider Navigator look as well as the Product Slider motion and animation.
Number of columns
Each CMS allows you to change the number of columns for each slider and each view (Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Phones, etc.) separately.
In Wordpress Dashboard >> Widgets please open the widget to be displayed as Product Slider for editing.
To set the total number of products displayed in the Product Slider, please use the "Number of products to show" field.
Set the number of columns in the slider for any view using the Columns section.
Select the "Number of products in slide" to set the number of products displayed in a single slide (including rows and columns).
In Joomla, default Virtuemart settings for product sliders are used. They can be changed for a specific Product Slider. For this please follow the steps below:
- Go to Joomla Administration >> Extensions >> Template Manager >> Styles >> select the theme to edit >> Edit Style.
- In Product slider options choose the slider in the Modules drop-down list. If the "Virtuemart frontpage" module is selected, then default Virtuemart settings are used.
To customize a particular slider, choose it from the list - for example, "Products Slider - left".
- Change values for any view to set the number of columns in this Product Slider.
Please go to Joomla Administration >> Extensions >> Module Manager, select the Products Slider module and open it for editing.
Enter the desired value into the "Products per row" field.
The maximum number of products can also be specified here in the "Number of displayed products" field.
Please go to Magento Admin Panel >> Billion Themes >> Settings >> Sliders, select a source for Slider and set the number of columns in the "Count" filed:
The overall number of the products to be displayed in the slider can be set under the Modules >> Modules >> New products block by pressing the Configure button.
The number of rows in the Products Slide and the number of products per slide row can be set under the BillionThemler menu >> Theme Settings:
How to setup PrestaShop Featured Products module on Home page
To show Featured Products as Products slider on the Home page please follow these steps:
make sure that you have products associated with Home category under the PrestaShop Catalog >> Products >> choose product >> Associations field. This category is used for Featured products module.
load Themler >> make sure that CMS Content sidebar is enabled under the Sidebars control properties:
go to PrestaShop admin panel >> Modules >> Positions >> transplant "Featured products on the homepage" module to the DisplayHome hook:
The overall number of the featured products and number of the products per slide can be configured in the way described above.
See Also
Product Details
[Number of Columns](#columns)
<a id="summary"></a>
### Summary
**Product Slider** is a control that is only used in eCommerce themes, which adds a block with certain products that can be navigated through like slides.
<a id="using"></a>
### Usage
Each Product Slider is used for products displayed by a specific widget, module, or block (for example, a Product Slider for Featured Products widget in WooCommerce, a Product Slider for New Products block in Magento).
The **Product Slider** control will appear only if a corresponding widget, module or block is added using the CMS admin panel.
A Product Slider can include product related controls from the Products group, including Product Image, Product Price, Product Text, and Product Buy. Controls like Product Sale or Product New are also displayed for products that are set up in the CMS.
In the Property Window, the display and style settings of the **Slider** itself, its **Grid**, and **Navigator** can be adjusted.
To see more items than what is set up for the Product Slider for a particular view, the **Slider Navigator** should be used.
If **Top Navigation** is enabled, the Slider Navigator is brought to the top of the slider, both navigation arrows will be next to each other.
**Navigator** parameters allow you to customize the Slider Navigator look as well as the **Product Slider** motion and animation.
### Sample
<a id="columns"></a>
### Number of columns
Each CMS allows you to change the number of columns for each slider and each view (Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Phones, etc.) separately.
#### Wordpress
In **Wordpress Dashboard** >> **Widgets** please open the widget to be displayed as Product Slider for editing.
To set the total number of products displayed in the Product Slider, please use the **"Number of products to show"** field.
Set the number of columns in the slider for any view using the **Columns** section.
Select the **"Number of products in slide"** to set the number of products displayed in a single slide (including rows and columns).
#### Joomla
In Joomla, default Virtuemart settings for product sliders are used. They can be changed for a specific Product Slider. For this please follow the steps below:
1. Go to **Joomla Administration** >> **Extensions** >> **Template Manager** >> **Styles** >> select the theme to edit >> **Edit Style**.
2. In **Product slider options** choose the slider in the **Modules** drop-down list. If the "Virtuemart frontpage" module is selected, then default Virtuemart settings are used.
To customize a particular slider, choose it from the list - for example, "Products Slider - left".
3. Change values for any view to set the number of columns in this Product Slider.
Please go to **Joomla Administration** >> **Extensions** >> **Module Manager**, select the **Products Slider** module and open it for editing.
Enter the desired value into the **"Products per row"** field.
The maximum number of products can also be specified here in the **"Number of displayed products"** field.
<a id="magento"></a>
#### Magento
Please go to **Magento Admin Panel** >> **Billion Themes** >> **Settings** >> **Sliders**, select a **source for Slider** and set the number of columns in the **"Count"** filed:
<a id="ps-product-slider"></a>
#### PrestaShop
The overall number of the products to be displayed in the slider can be set under the **Modules** >> **Modules** >> **New products block** by pressing the **Configure** button.
The number of rows in the Products Slide and the number of products per slide row can be set under the BillionThemler menu >> Theme Settings:
#### How to setup PrestaShop Featured Products module on Home page
To show Featured Products as Products slider on the Home page please follow these steps:
1. make sure that you have products associated with Home category under the PrestaShop **Catalog** >> **Products** >> choose product >> **Associations** field. This category is used for Featured products module.
1. load Themler >> make sure that **CMS Content** sidebar is enabled under the [Sidebars](page:9037) control properties:
2. go to **PrestaShop** admin panel >> **Modules** >> **Positions** >> transplant **"Featured products on the homepage"** module to the **DisplayHome** hook:
3. The overall number of the featured products and number of the products per slide can be configured in the way described above.
### See Also
[Product Details](page:4776)