404 Text Template is responsible for showing the error response sent by the web server. A site visitor will see it when trying to access a broken or non-existing link.
The template should contain the Text 404 control that displays the error message.
404 Text Template is used for the generated Error page in your CMS. 404 Text Template can be customized by adding and designing different controls to help the site visitors find what they were searching for. For example, the Search Control can be added in order to allow users to search your website for the content they are looking for. Additionally, it is possible, to edit the error message text, displayed in the Text 404 control by default. Usually this text depends on the theme and CMS used.
Unlike default Wordpress themes, in Wordpress themes created with Themler, the main data for generating the 404 error page is present in the text_404.php file at the following path: [Your Theme Folder]/library/text_404.php
. This file can be accessed both directly (for example, by accessing your theme folder using an FTP client in [WordPress Installation Folder]\wp-content\themes
) or using Wordpress Dashboard >> Appearance >> Editor. Here the error text can be edited. By default the error title and message look this way:
The underlined text can be changed to any custom one. Click "Update File" to apply the changes to the theme.
In Magento the 404 Text Template is used by the CMS No Route Page. Changing the text displayed on the 404 Text template will require editing the content of the page selected as No Route Page. Log in to Magento Admin Panel and in the CMS tab >> Pages select the page to edit. By default it is "404 Not Found 1" page with the "no-route" URL key. Open Page Information >> Content tab and edit the content to be displayed on the error page:
Any of the existing pages can be selected as No Route Page in Magento Admin Panel >> System >> Configuration >> General >> Web. In the Default Pages section, select a page that will be CMS No Route Page from the drop-down list of the existing pages:
By default, Text 404 control displays, besides the error text, the search form and a link to the Home page. To edit this control output, please open the theme folder on your server using any FTP tool, and in the root folder of the theme open the 404.tpl file in a text editor. For the default theme the path will look like /themes/[Your Theme Folder]/404.tpl
. Here you can edit the error message and remove or edit the predefined "Home" link:
See also
Text 404 Control
**404 Text Template** is responsible for showing the error response sent by the web server. A site visitor will see it when trying to access a broken or non-existing link.
The template should contain the [Text 404 control](page:5088) that displays the error message.
**404 Text Template** is used for the generated Error page in your CMS. 404 Text Template can be customized by adding and designing different controls to help the site visitors find what they were searching for. For example, the Search Control can be added in order to allow users to search your website for the content they are looking for. Additionally, it is possible, to edit the error message text, displayed in the [Text 404 control](page:5088) by default. Usually this text depends on the theme and CMS used.
Unlike default Wordpress themes, in Wordpress themes created with Themler, the main data for generating the 404 error page is present in the text_404.php file at the following path: `[Your Theme Folder]/library/text_404.php`. This file can be accessed both directly (for example, by accessing your theme folder using an FTP client in `[WordPress Installation Folder]\wp-content\themes`) or using **Wordpress Dashboard** >> **Appearance** >> **Editor**. Here the error text can be edited. By default the error title and message look this way:
The underlined text can be changed to any custom one. Click "*Update File*" to apply the changes to the theme.
In Magento the 404 Text Template is used by the CMS No Route Page. Changing the text displayed on the 404 Text template will require editing the content of the page selected as No Route Page. Log in to Magento Admin Panel and in the **CMS tab** >> **Pages** select the page to edit. By default it is *"404 Not Found 1"* page with the "no-route" URL key. Open **Page Information** >> **Content tab** and edit the content to be displayed on the error page:
Any of the existing pages can be selected as No Route Page in **Magento Admin Panel** >> **System** >> **Configuration** >> **General** >> **Web**. In the **Default Pages** section, select a page that will be CMS No Route Page from the drop-down list of the existing pages:
By default, Text 404 control displays, besides the error text, the search form and a link to the Home page. To edit this control output, please open the theme folder on your server using any FTP tool, and in the root folder of the theme open the 404.tpl file in a text editor. For the default theme the path will look like `/themes/[Your Theme Folder]/404.tpl`. Here you can edit the error message and remove or edit the predefined "Home" link:
###See also###
[Text 404 Control](page:5088)