This is a WordPress and Joomla specific template. Blog Template is used on Blog pages - pages that show posts (in WordPress) or articles (in Joomla). It can include the Pagination control which is used to navigate through pages when the entire number of posts is greater than the number of posts allowed on the Blog page. Blog page can include shortened (excerpt) versions of posts with "Read More" (in Joomla) or "Continue Reading" (in WordPress) link leading to the full post text.
How to make another page be a Blog page
By default WordPress displays posts on the Home page. However, it is possible to use a static page for a Home page and create another page which will be used as a custom Blog page for posts.
To do that, create 2 pages under Administration >> Pages >> Add New, name them, let's say, "test page (home)" and "test page (blog)". Test page (home) will contain the content that you want to see on the Home page. Test page (blog) should be empty.
Go to Administration >> Settings >> Reading >> Front Page Displays and switch to "A static page (select below)" and choose the pages for Front page and Posts page (Blog page):

Go back to Themler and click "Refresh Content". The Home Template will now contain a static page and Blog Template will be enabled and it will contain posts.
Themler generates an excerpt automatically by selecting the first 40 words of the post. You can change the Excerpt appearance from the WP admin panel under the Appearance tab >> Theme Options >> Excerpt:

Pagination appears automatically, when the entire number of posts is greater than the number of posts allowed on the Blog page. It's placed at the bottom of the page, under posts. The number of posts on the Blog page can be controlled from WordPress administration >> Settings >> Reading >> "Blog pages show at most".
How to use and customize the Blog page
Blog template is used for menu items like Category Blog and Featured Articles that are not a Home page.
By the default, the layout constructed in Themler is applied. It can be changed by using the options under the "Blog Layout Options" block:

Pagination appears automatically when the entire number of posts is greater than the number of posts allowed on the Blog page. It's placed at the bottom of the Blog page, under posts. The number of posts per page will be the sum of the Leading Articles and Intro Articles values.
Prestashop & Magento
PrestaShop and Magento do not support Blog pages so the Blog Template is disabled for these CMSs.
###Summary### This is a WordPress and Joomla specific template. Blog Template is used on Blog pages - pages that show posts (in WordPress) or articles (in Joomla). It can include the Pagination control which is used to navigate through pages when the entire number of posts is greater than the number of posts allowed on the Blog page. Blog page can include shortened (excerpt) versions of posts with "Read More" (in Joomla) or "Continue Reading" (in WordPress) link leading to the full post text. ###Usage### ####Wordpress#### #####How to make another page be a Blog page##### By default WordPress displays posts on the Home page. However, it is possible to use a static page for a Home page and create another page which will be used as a custom Blog page for posts. To do that, create 2 pages under **Administration** >> **Pages** >> **Add New**, name them, let's say, *"test page (home)"* and *"test page (blog)"*. Test page (home) will contain the content that you want to see on the Home page. Test page (blog) should be empty. Go to **Administration** >> **Settings** >> **Reading** >> **Front Page Displays** and switch to *"A static page (select below)"* and choose the pages for Front page and Posts page (Blog page): !blog-template-wordpress.png! Go back to **Themler** and click *"Refresh Content"*. The **Home Template** will now contain a static page and **Blog Template** will be enabled and it will contain posts. #####Excerpts##### **Themler** generates an excerpt automatically by selecting the first 40 words of the post. You can change the Excerpt appearance from the WP admin panel under the **Appearance tab** >> **Theme Options** >> **Excerpt**: !wordpress-excerpt.png! #####Pagination##### Pagination appears automatically, when the entire number of posts is greater than the number of posts allowed on the Blog page. It's placed at the bottom of the page, under posts. The number of posts on the Blog page can be controlled from **WordPress administration** >> **Settings** >> **Reading** >> **"Blog pages show at most"**. ####Joomla#### #####How to use and customize the Blog page##### **Blog template** is used for menu items like **Category Blog** and **Featured Articles** that are not a Home page. By the default, the layout constructed in Themler is applied. It can be changed by using the options under the **"Blog Layout Options"** block: !joomla-blog-layout-edit.png! #####Pagination##### Pagination appears automatically when the entire number of posts is greater than the number of posts allowed on the Blog page. It's placed at the bottom of the Blog page, under posts. The number of posts per page will be the sum of the *Leading Articles* and *Intro Articles* values. ####Prestashop & Magento#### PrestaShop and Magento do not support Blog pages so the Blog Template is disabled for these CMSs.