Default Template is used on pages that don't use any other specific template (like Shopping Cart template or Blog Page template). It's used on such pages as Categories, Archives, Search Results, Login page, etc.
Default Template is also applied to pages created by third-party components (except VirtueMart for Joomla and WooCommerce for WordPress pages as they have their own Templates).
The Default Template can be applied to any page or post from the WordPress Admin panel under the Pages >> some page >> Page Attributes block >> Page Template for pages and under the Posts >> some post >> Post Template block for posts correspondingly.

To turn on the Default Template, create a menu item with a type that doesn't have any specific template assigned to it, like "Category List" or "Archived Articles" menu item type. The menu item should be accessible from the website front-end.
The Default Template is used for the pages that do not have any special template created in Themler (Page, Products, Product Details, Shopping Cart).
All the pages that do not use any of the existing templates (Page, Products, Product Details, Shopping Cart) will be displayed with the Default Template.
###Summary### **Default Template** is used on pages that don't use any other specific template (like Shopping Cart template or Blog Page template). It's used on such pages as Categories, Archives, Search Results, Login page, etc. **Default Template** is also applied to pages created by third-party components (except VirtueMart for Joomla and WooCommerce for WordPress pages as they have their own Templates). ###Usage### ####WordPress#### The Default Template can be applied to any page or post from the WordPress Admin panel under the **Pages** >> **some page** >> **Page Attributes block** >> **Page Template** for pages and under the Posts >> some post >> Post Template block for posts correspondingly. !wordpress-default-template.png! !wordpress-default-template-post.png! ####Joomla#### To turn on the Default Template, create a menu item with a type that doesn't have any specific template assigned to it, like *"Category List"* or *"Archived Articles"* menu item type. The menu item should be accessible from the website front-end. ####PrestaShop#### The Default Template is used for the pages that do not have any special template created in Themler (Page, Products, Product Details, Shopping Cart). ####Magento#### All the pages that do not use any of the existing templates (Page, Products, Product Details, Shopping Cart) will be displayed with the Default Template.