The content importing feature is available in Themler versions later than v. 298.
NOTE: Themler exports only articles with images, and menus (only menus used in menu modules that are located in theme module positions). It does not include joomla modules themselves.
Export Content with Theme
Export theme with "Include Content" option enabled:
Install theme on your Joomla in a usual way.
- Theme includes a few theme plugins and one of them is "Content - Themler Export & Import" for import/export content.
Please install and activate theme plugins if they are disabled or not installed under Extensions >> Templates >> Template settings >> "Install Plugins":
If you already have theme plugin installed and activated please update it by clicking "Install Plugins" option or by saving theme in Themler. - Now the option to import content should be available below the "Install plugins" button:
Click "Import content from template" to import content.
Export Content without Theme
Theme plugin "Content - Themler Export & Import" allows to import and export content without theme as a separate file under Joomla Extensions >> Plugins >> "Content - Themler Export & Import":

EXPORT - This option exports Joomla articles and menus. Here you can choose the number of Articles to export (by date updated).
IMPORT - This option allows to import content exported as ZIP before (see above).
NOTE: Joomla and WordPress content exported as separate ZIP has unified structure. Therefore it can be installed in both CMSs using theme plugins.
The content importing feature is available in Themler versions later than v. 298. <div class="alert alert-warning"> <b>NOTE:</b> Themler exports only articles with images, and menus (only menus used in menu modules that are located in theme module positions). It <b>does not include joomla modules themselves.</b> </div> ### Export Content with Theme 1. Export theme with **"Include Content"** option enabled: !include-content.png! 2. [Install theme](page:3714) on your Joomla in a usual way. 3. Theme includes a few theme plugins and one of them is **"Content - Themler Export & Import"** for import/export content. Please install and activate theme plugins if they are disabled or not installed under Extensions >> Templates >> Template settings >> **"Install Plugins"**: !joomla-install-plugins.png! If you already have theme plugin installed and activated please **update** it by clicking **"Install Plugins"** option or by saving theme in Themler. 4. Now the option to import content should be available below the "Install plugins" button: !joomla-import-content-option.png! Click **"Import content from template"** to import content. ### Export Content without Theme Theme plugin "Content - Themler Export & Import" allows to import and export content without theme as a separate file under Joomla Extensions >> Plugins >> "Content - Themler Export & Import": !joomla-plugin-settings.png! **EXPORT** - This option exports Joomla articles and menus. Here you can choose the number of Articles to export (by date updated). **IMPORT** - This option allows to import content exported as ZIP before (see above). **NOTE: Joomla and WordPress content exported as separate ZIP has unified structure. Therefore it can be installed in both CMSs using theme plugins.**