
Shopping Cart is a special control used to output a shopping cart module or widget. It allows online shopping customers to accumulate a list of items for purchase with further checkout.
Outputs a basic summary list of products added to Shopping Cart.


The Shopping Cart can be added via the Insert >> Online Store >> Shopping Cart menu. It includes a number of other controls like Cart Grid control with Product Title, Product Image, Product Price, and related buttons (View Cart Button, Checkout Button).
The Shopping Cart control may be output as separate module, widget or as drop down part of the Cart Link control.

To output the Shopping Cart control in a sidebar, the WooCommerce Cart widget is used.

The Shopping Cart displayed in a sidebar is the VirtueMart Shopping Cart type module located in one of the sidebar positions (e.g. "left" position).

By default, the Shopping Cart control is used to output the "My Cart" block in the Left Column.
This block can be disabled under the Magento System >> Configuration >> click on the Checkout tab from the Sales menu on the left >> select the Shopping Cart Sidebar panel, set Display Shopping Cart Sidebar to No/Yes, and press the Save Config button.

The Shopping Cart displayed in the sidebar is the PrestaShop Cart block type module located in the hook that displays elements of the column.

The Shopping Cart that is output as part of the Cart Link control requires no widget or module in the CMS admin back-end.



See Also

Cart Link control

###Summary **Shopping Cart** is a special control used to output a shopping cart module or widget. It allows online shopping customers to accumulate a list of items for purchase with further checkout. Outputs a basic summary list of products added to Shopping Cart. ###Usage The **Shopping Cart** can be added via the **Insert** >> **Online Store** >> **Shopping Cart** menu. It includes a number of other controls like Cart Grid control with Product Title, Product Image, Product Price, and related buttons (View Cart Button, Checkout Button). The **Shopping Cart** control may be output as separate module, widget or as drop down part of the [Cart Link](page:8978) control. *WooCommerce* To output the **Shopping Cart** control in a sidebar, the **WooCommerce Cart** widget is used. *VirtueMart* The **Shopping Cart** displayed in a sidebar is the *VirtueMart Shopping Cart* type module located in one of the sidebar positions (e.g. "left" position). *Magento* By default, the **Shopping Cart** control is used to output the *"My Cart"* block in the Left Column. This block can be disabled under the **Magento System** >> **Configuration** >> click on the **Checkout tab** from the **Sales** menu on the left >> select the **Shopping Cart Sidebar** panel, set Display Shopping Cart Sidebar to No/Yes, and press the Save Config button. *PrestaShop* The **Shopping Cart** displayed in the sidebar is the PrestaShop *Cart block* type module located in the hook that displays elements of the column. The **Shopping Cart** that is output as part of the Cart Link control requires no widget or module in the CMS admin back-end. ### Sample !ShoppingCartSidebar.png! ### See Also [Cart Link control](page:8978)