If you updated to the latest version and the following error appears when you try to launch Themler please follow the instruction below:
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required...
Since Firefox v.88 update there is an issue with scrolling in Firefox browser if Smooth Wheel is enabled in a theme. We recommend to disable Smooth Wheel for Firefox browser in Themler. For this...
Please follow the next steps if Themler:
cannot be started,
cannot save/export/update theme,
you cannot select controls in preview area,
and also if
theme styles are missing,
Responsive menu not expanding
Slides do not change in the slider
Issues with the performance of the third-party extensions
In case it happens to your site, most probably several...
Themler Desktop is not working
How To Get Themler installation Logs
ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error on startup
How to clear Browser Cache
How to clear AppCache
Run Themler in Debug Mode
Themler Desktop...
The cross-origin error can be caused by a few reasons:
#1. HTTPS Everywhere extension for Chrome browser.
This extension is automatically switches all requests from "http" to secure "https".
To make...
Please clear your browser's cache and restart Themler.
If you use Chrome browser:
Click the Chrome Menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Settings.
Type cache in the search field.
Click Clear browser...
Themler on your local/remote server or Themler Desktop does not start, save, export
Please follow these steps to identify what is causing the issue:
Disable all non-standard CMS...
In some cases, it is necessary to clear the HTML5 App Cache.
To do this, please follow these steps:
open the Chrome browser
enter the following address in the Chrome address...
This is instruction on how to install Themler Desktop Portable version that does not require installing.
Download Themler Desktop Portable
Unzip the archive into C:\Themler folder (the location is...
You see " is disabled" message.
You added a control/content to the Home template and it does not appear on all other templates (website pages).
You do not see the Themler admin Menu within...
Memory Requirements
Themler requires 64Mb of PHP Memory.
Please make sure that your PHP and CMS (e.g. WordPress) configurations match the requirement above.
Also, check that your hosting service...
" is disabled" issue.
Do not be afraid of this message. It means that there is no appropriate CMS content to show.
Themler displays real website content (posts pages, etc). If there is nothing to...
Cannot start Themler
Shortcodes are not working
404 "Not Found" error after opening template n Themler.
"Edit Template" button disabled
Problems with third-party modules/plug-ins
You do not see the Themler admin Menu within WordPress dashboard.
qTranslate X plugin - no flag icon in Horizontal Menu
You do not see the Themler admin Menu within WordPress dashboard.
You may not...