Themler Very Very Very Very Slow

1 Posts
updeshmail posted this 10 October 2016

Themler Very Very Very Very Slow

Themler Very Very Very Very Slow
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 October 2016


I'll ask our developers to look into your logs. We'll let you know as soon as there is any solution.


Hi, I'll ask our developers to look into your logs. We'll let you know as soon as there is any solution. Sincerely, Hella
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 October 2016


Most delays in the Themler work are in the local CMS part. The issue may be in the anti virus applications. Please try to switch them off.
If that does not help, we can connect to your computer using TeamViewer to find the problem.


Hi, Most delays in the Themler work are in the local CMS part. The issue may be in the anti virus applications. Please try to switch them off. If that does not help, we can connect to your computer using TeamViewer to find the problem. Sincerely, Hella
7 Posts
farooq posted this 27 November 2016


I am also experiencing the slowness, it is extremely slow with me as well. I have the latest version V355 on Windows 7 SP1 with 16GB RAM Intel i7 processor.

The product is good but it is unusable due to terribly slow performance.

I would appreciate your quick response and a solution to the problem

Hi, I am also experiencing the slowness, it is extremely slow with me as well. I have the latest version V355 on Windows 7 SP1 with 16GB RAM Intel i7 processor. The product is good but it is unusable due to terribly slow performance. I would appreciate your quick response and a solution to the problem
Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 November 2016


Could you please create a separate topic and let us know what operations are slow on your side, where does the issue happen (localhost or remote host), whether the issue happens with one theme or with all theme.

Thank you,
Themler Team

**farooq**, Could you please create a separate topic and let us know what operations are slow on your side, where does the issue happen (localhost or remote host), whether the issue happens with one theme or with all theme. Thank you, Themler Team
David Lynch
11 Posts
David Lynch posted this 01 September 2017

Still. Virtually useless for me, always has been since I first installed it almost a year ago. Would love if it worked - looks like a great product. But was not worth $60 upgrade on perfectly fine version of Artisteer to get.

Still. Virtually useless for me, always has been since I first installed it almost a year ago. Would love if it worked - looks like a great product. But was not worth $60 upgrade on perfectly fine version of Artisteer to get.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 September 2017


It's a pity that you haven't contacted us about your problems before. As I see from the log files, you are using the desktop version and it is slow on some operations. Looks like it is caused by the slow writing speed of your hard drive. The main reason may be the antivirus application or the theme size. So please try to switch off the anti virus application and firewall. Also you can attach the theme to the ticket.


Hi, It's a pity that you haven't contacted us about your problems before. As I see from the log files, you are using the desktop version and it is slow on some operations. Looks like it is caused by the slow writing speed of your hard drive. The main reason may be the antivirus application or the theme size. So please try to switch off the anti virus application and firewall. Also you can attach the theme to the ticket. Sincerely, Hella
Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 September 2017


Please let us know if switching off the anti virus application have helped? Also what type of disk do you have in your computer: HDD or SSD?


Hi, Please let us know if switching off the anti virus application have helped? Also what type of disk do you have in your computer: HDD or SSD? Sincerely, Hella
21 Posts
Neco posted this 02 June 2018

Themler is always too slow... On desktop, on cloud an in everywhere. Faind a solution for it otherwise nobody wil use it in the future.

Themler is always too slow... On desktop, on cloud an in everywhere. Faind a solution for it otherwise nobody wil use it in the future.
David Lynch
11 Posts
David Lynch posted this 13 January 2019

I do not have an antivirus program. I'm an IT guy who prefers to just use regular file backups for safety and malware removers to get rid of stuff, rather than to muck up my system with realtime scanners.

I just took a chance and spent $25 to update Themler and I see no difference at all in the way it runs in Windows (which is running off SSD). I don't like doing development on the web based themler platform

I see you have yet another product Nicepage, so instead of actually creating and maturing a sophisticated product, you provide a completely different product every couple of years. It's frustrating that instead of making Artisteer do what both themler and nicepage do, and providing a stable development platform we can count on year after year, you sell products that become obsolete within a couple of years, discard them, and start with somethign new that we have to buy and learn in order to get any value out of our investment. Very frutstrating, and it almost makes me want to get to know Beaver Builder.

So how to I get my $25 back so I can see if nicepage works?

I do not have an antivirus program. I'm an IT guy who prefers to just use regular file backups for safety and malware removers to get rid of stuff, rather than to muck up my system with realtime scanners. I just took a chance and spent $25 to update Themler and I see no difference at all in the way it runs in Windows (which is running off SSD). I don't like doing development on the web based themler platform I see you have yet another product Nicepage, so instead of actually creating and maturing a sophisticated product, you provide a completely different product every couple of years. It's frustrating that instead of making Artisteer do what both themler and nicepage do, and providing a stable development platform we can count on year after year, you sell products that become obsolete within a couple of years, discard them, and start with somethign new that we have to buy and learn in order to get any value out of our investment. Very frutstrating, and it almost makes me want to get to know Beaver Builder. So how to I get my $25 back so I can see if nicepage works?

Last edited 13 January 2019 by David Lynch

David Lynch
11 Posts
David Lynch posted this 13 January 2019

So P.S. I just tried the free version of Nicepage and it is, as the name state, NICE.

Not sure why you could not make Themler work as fluidly, and make this a "quick web" module of Themler, while leaving in all the many controls Themler has that Nicepage doesn't dream of.

I really like what you have done, but now I feel I wasted my $25 upgrading to a version of Themler I will not likely use. And the upgrade pricing to nicepage is not a strong enough discount that I would want to try yet another of your new and untested programs. I'll spend $199 to upgrade to Nicepage (glad you used my idea of providing customer licenses that was great) but history has shown that in a year or two when trends change in Web design, that instead of continuing to develop nicepage to adapt to the trend, you will abandon it and introduce yet another pricey new software package. I just can't. I'm going to look for something else.

So P.S. I just tried the free version of Nicepage and it is, as the name state, NICE. Not sure why you could not make Themler work as fluidly, and make this a "quick web" module of Themler, while leaving in all the many controls Themler has that Nicepage doesn't dream of. I really like what you have done, but now I feel I wasted my $25 upgrading to a version of Themler I will not likely use. And the upgrade pricing to nicepage is not a strong enough discount that I would want to try yet another of your new and untested programs. I'll spend $199 to upgrade to Nicepage (glad you used my idea of providing customer licenses that was great) but history has shown that in a year or two when trends change in Web design, that instead of continuing to develop nicepage to adapt to the trend, you will abandon it and introduce yet another pricey new software package. I just can't. I'm going to look for something else.
18 Posts
neiljiohu posted this 11 December 2024


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