Themler Example

9 Posts
ndav posted this 23 October 2016

On this fab example page from Themler - there are photos which 'stick' whilst you scroll down - this can be viewed and pictures 'stick' whilst viewing on an iPhone. Does this feature work on the current version of Themler? So i can have background photos 'stick' while viewed on my iPhone?

On this fab example page from Themler - there are photos which 'stick' whilst you scroll down - this can be viewed and pictures 'stick' whilst viewing on an iPhone. Does this feature work on the current version of Themler? So i can have background photos 'stick' while viewed on my iPhone?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 October 2016


The images are not stick while scrolling on my iPhone. Actually the background-attachment: fixed property is not supported by the iOS Safari.


Hi, The images are not stick while scrolling on my iPhone. Actually the background-attachment: fixed property is not supported by the iOS Safari. Sincerely, Hella
1 Posts
kaleythiel123 posted this 25 October 2024

Yes, this among us functionality typically relies on parallax scrolling or CSS background attachment properties, which Themler supports and can be viewed on iPhone.

Yes, this [among us]( functionality typically relies on parallax scrolling or CSS background attachment properties, which Themler supports and can be viewed on iPhone.
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