Prestashop article page image mouseover effect

6 Posts
Maniko posted this 03 November 2016


I am using themler with prestashop and can´t find any solution to disable this creepy mouseover effect on the product image on the article detail page. we just need a simple effect with bigger image after clicking. with this strange mouseover effect thats implemented, the image appears on the right side and covers the important texts.
thanks for helping us out and best regards,


Hello, I am using themler with prestashop and can´t find any solution to disable this creepy mouseover effect on the product image on the article detail page. we just need a simple effect with bigger image after clicking. with this strange mouseover effect thats implemented, the image appears on the right side and covers the important texts. thanks for helping us out and best regards, manfred

Last edited 04 November 2016 by Maniko

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 November 2016


I assume that you're referring to the CloudZoom effect on the Product Details template, right?
Unfortunately this cannot be disabled. Themler product Image supports only one effect,

Thank you,

Hi, I assume that you're referring to the CloudZoom effect on the Product Details template, right? Unfortunately this cannot be disabled. Themler product Image supports only one effect, Thank you, Olivia
6 Posts
Maniko posted this 07 November 2016


yes, that´s what I meant. Is there a possibilty to just disable coudzoom generally? That means: image without any effect.


Hello, yes, that´s what I meant. Is there a possibilty to just disable coudzoom generally? That means: image without any effect. Thanks, manfred
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 November 2016


Unfortunately this effect is a part of the control and cannot be disabled.
If you know how to output the product image by code you can use CMS Code control (Insert tab >> More).
The one more alternative is to remove(or rename) CloudZoom.js from the theme project.
But you will get errors in console in this case (script not found, etc).

Thank you,

Hi, Unfortunately this effect is a part of the control and cannot be disabled. If you know how to output the product image by code you can use **CMS Code** control (Insert tab >> More). The one more alternative is to remove(or rename) CloudZoom.js from the theme project. But you will get errors in console in this case (script not found, etc). Thank you, Olivia
72 Posts
WALLOON posted this 16 June 2017

In the template directory - there is a CloudZoom.js file :
Edit this line
$mouseTrap.bind('mouseenter', this, function (event) {
and change to
$mouseTrap.bind('mouseenterxxxx', this, function (event) {

You must change the file each time your regenerate the theme.
It working for us :)

In the template directory - there is a CloudZoom.js file : Edit this line $mouseTrap.bind('mouseenter', this, function (event) { and change to $mouseTrap.bind('mouseenterxxxx', this, function (event) { You must change the file each time your regenerate the theme. It working for us :) Remy
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