One feature that would make Themler killer

Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 24 April 2015

Homepage, frontpage layout.

  • Option to make it possible to insert custom Themler template inside Themler template.
  • We could name them as our categories and Themler would beat all those commercial fancy WordPress themes with very special Home layouts.

It could be done with widgets positions and widgets for Posts listings. But then not possible to use very good Bootstrap and listing in multiple columns. Not without heavy manual tweaking. And styling for responsive is hedache.

  • Option can be very minimalistic.
  • We are editing Home template (or some custom Home template)
  • We insert one row with one column (or some other block)
  • Then we insert CMS Content Sidebar (not widget position)
  • We dont need header, menu, other sidebars, footer, etc...

Themler would need to give option to handle this CMS Content Sidebar as separate custom template, and give us option to name it, filename.

Look at Recipology theme and homepage. Imagine all those page wide blocks as separate WP loops, pulled from separate PHP archive templates. And not as now HTML blocks, or widgets display.
Rest can we do manually. It is easy to limit number of posts per loop with simple snippets.

It is all about the nice Themler part, Bootstrap. All this can be done with widgets, but then forget about Themler Bootstrap. Or Themler editing at all.

Homepage, frontpage layout. - Option to make it possible to insert custom Themler template inside Themler template. - We could name them as our categories and Themler would beat all those commercial fancy WordPress themes with very special Home layouts. It could be done with widgets positions and widgets for Posts listings. But then not possible to use very good Bootstrap and listing in multiple columns. Not without heavy manual tweaking. And styling for responsive is hedache. - Option can be very minimalistic. - We are editing Home template (or some custom Home template) - We insert one row with one column (or some other block) - Then we insert CMS Content Sidebar (not widget position) - We dont need header, menu, other sidebars, footer, etc... Themler would need to give option to handle this CMS Content Sidebar as separate custom template, and give us option to name it, filename. Look at Recipology theme and homepage. Imagine all those page wide blocks as separate WP loops, pulled from separate PHP archive templates. And not as now HTML blocks, or widgets display. Rest can we do manually. It is easy to limit number of posts per loop with simple snippets. It is all about the nice Themler part, Bootstrap. All this can be done with widgets, but then forget about Themler Bootstrap. Or Themler editing at all.
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9 Posts
Eugene posted this 27 April 2015

Just imagine, all page wide blocks in Recipology theme can be edited inside WordPress like a page or post with Themler.
E.g. open Home page editor and click button like "Edit with Themler". The Themler will be opened and we will edit the page. After saving and closing Themler all html content will be saved to page/post as shortcodes. This could look like Front End editor in Visual Composer.

I think, such behaviour has advantage, we don't need to create templates for each post without header and footer, because we will edit page/post content. While templates are used for what they are: for switching between different layouts (boxed/wide, columns), headers, sliders and post types.

The problem with mixing content in templates is, that after 20 templates for posts, we will not understand what every template contains and we will see different content in post editor from content in Template. So there is possibility that we will not understand what each post show until look in post Preview.

Shortcodes version (like described above) could also give a possibility to change at least text and images for final theme customers from "lore ipsum" to something real, while with templates we need to change each letter for them.

So sorry, I will vote for Content Editor feature.

Just imagine, all page wide blocks in Recipology theme can be edited inside WordPress like a page or post with Themler. E.g. open Home page editor and click button like "Edit with Themler". The Themler will be opened and we will edit the page. After saving and closing Themler all html content will be saved to page/post as shortcodes. This could look like Front End editor in Visual Composer. I think, such behaviour has advantage, we don't need to create templates for each post without header and footer, because we will edit page/post content. While templates are used for what they are: for switching between different layouts (boxed/wide, columns), headers, sliders and post types. The problem with mixing content in templates is, that after 20 templates for posts, we will not understand what every template contains and we will see different content in post editor from content in Template. So there is possibility that we will not understand what each post show until look in post Preview. Shortcodes version (like described above) could also give a possibility to change at least text and images for final theme customers from "lore ipsum" to something real, while with templates we need to change each letter for them. So sorry, I will vote for Content Editor feature.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 27 April 2015

I really dont understand what you are saying.

Btw, I managed it, It is done and can be done with some trickery. If it gets into rutine can be done very fast.
Now I can make frontpage with unlimited number of mini archive loops. Put them wherever I want and style them however I want.

Keywords here are, and it it very important to know:
- Native Themler arhive loop inserted where you want.
- This mini-loop use Bootstrap and Themler responsive goodness.

Problem is I have to activate PHP code inside widgets. But I can remove file editor, themler edit, and widgets links with functions.php so even Admins cannot see them.

Started with some ideas but noticed I would have much manual work and changed. I am still searching to minimize amount of manual time more.

It is something like this.

  • Have one test taxonomy (category) for use so Themler custom template can give me posts when editing. (with say, 3-6 posts attached to test category, just for editing in Themler) dont change name of category, just fast change slug to match new custom template name in Themler.

  • Those custom templates for mini loops will never be used directly on webiste, just called via text widgets, with PHP support.

  • In Themler when editing custom frontpage I put all widget positions I need, no limit. Style a bit containers and forget startpage for a while.

  • Finish custom template, despite you dont edit on frontpage but just posts list it goes well to see how will it look like.

  • Make new folder inside theme, I call it "widgets". And from this folder widgets will call all template files, to not to touch originals. Themler preview use them and can make problems working in Themler if code is wrong.

  • When working have whole time open Beyond Compare program for 2 files. One is main category custom template and second is content-xxxxx-php. Saving again changes in Themler BC program warns directly and you can make those changes inside files in "widgets" folder. Goes very quick.

  • Now, you can have good results with only "get_template_part" file, second Themler file resposible for loop self. But I noticed some problems without main category-xxx-xxx-xxx.php file. One problem is blocks jumping when refreshing page. Some important classes are inside main php template file. It gives need to remove all <head>, <html> from custom file in "widgets", or you end with many duplicates. Duplicates in source code and possible Google SEO penalty. Strip everything from original except loop self.

  • Cannot get into all changes needed in custom files called with widgets,. WP_query, variables, loop reset, where and why, what to change in "if", etc... But as I said when you finish one mini loop it can be a rutine. You can reuse and copy, paste code.

  • If you need preview of all mini loops on frontpage template in Themler just copy "widgets" folder to preview folder. If you experience some problems in Themler just delete "widgets" folder from preview.

Dont know what to say to developers of Themler. Now I know it is very complex thing and cannot be easy done with Themle only. But they know code better then I and can maybe come with something very clever.

Before I did such things with Latest posts different widgets, mini loops widgets, in last time exclusively with Pods templating. Problem is you dont dare to complicate things much because it is pain in the * to tweak everything to look nice on all devices, responsive. Result is all websites are pretty similar in design. Not because you cannot design, but because you try to avoid complications for resposnive tweaking.

Not anymore, Themler gives me Bootstrap and resposive tweaking. Honestly when using Bootstrap rows and columns there is not need for much editing for responsive.

And result now is, all your websites can be very, very different in design. Use your imagination, and let Themler Bootstrap do all hard work.

Hope it is not complicated explained, Can later explaine with different words. Whole process is complicated first time, but can be a quick routine with little practice.

I really dont understand what you are saying. Btw, I managed it, It is done and can be done with some trickery. If it gets into rutine can be done very fast. Now I can make frontpage with unlimited number of mini archive loops. Put them wherever I want and style them however I want. Keywords here are, and it it very important to know: - Native Themler arhive loop inserted where you want. - This mini-loop use Bootstrap and Themler responsive goodness. Problem is I have to activate PHP code inside widgets. But I can remove file editor, themler edit, and widgets links with functions.php so even Admins cannot see them. Started with some ideas but noticed I would have much manual work and changed. I am still searching to minimize amount of manual time more. It is something like this. - Have one test taxonomy (category) for use so Themler custom template can give me posts when editing. (with say, 3-6 posts attached to test category, just for editing in Themler) dont change name of category, just fast change slug to match new custom template name in Themler. - Those custom templates for mini loops will never be used directly on webiste, just called via text widgets, with PHP support. - In Themler when editing custom frontpage I put all widget positions I need, no limit. Style a bit containers and forget startpage for a while. - Finish custom template, despite you dont edit on frontpage but just posts list it goes well to see how will it look like. - Make new folder inside theme, I call it "widgets". And from this folder widgets will call all template files, to not to touch originals. Themler preview use them and can make problems working in Themler if code is wrong. - When working have whole time open Beyond Compare program for 2 files. One is main category custom template and second is content-xxxxx-php. Saving again changes in Themler BC program warns directly and you can make those changes inside files in "widgets" folder. Goes very quick. - Now, you can have good results with only "get_template_part" file, second Themler file resposible for loop self. But I noticed some problems without main category-xxx-xxx-xxx.php file. One problem is blocks jumping when refreshing page. Some important classes are inside main php template file. It gives need to remove all &lt;head&gt;, &lt;html&gt; from custom file in "widgets", or you end with many duplicates. Duplicates in source code and possible Google SEO penalty. Strip everything from original except loop self. - Cannot get into all changes needed in custom files called with widgets,. WP_query, variables, loop reset, where and why, what to change in "if", etc... But as I said when you finish one mini loop it can be a rutine. You can reuse and copy, paste code. - If you need preview of all mini loops on frontpage template in Themler just copy "widgets" folder to preview folder. If you experience some problems in Themler just delete "widgets" folder from preview. Dont know what to say to developers of Themler. Now I know it is very complex thing and cannot be easy done with Themle only. But they know code better then I and can maybe come with something very clever. Before I did such things with Latest posts different widgets, mini loops widgets, in last time exclusively with Pods templating. Problem is you dont dare to complicate things much because it is pain in the *** to tweak everything to look nice on all devices, responsive. Result is all websites are pretty similar in design. Not because you cannot design, but because you try to avoid complications for resposnive tweaking. Not anymore, Themler gives me Bootstrap and resposive tweaking. Honestly when using Bootstrap rows and columns there is not need for much editing for responsive. And result now is, all your websites can be very, very different in design. Use your imagination, and let Themler Bootstrap do all hard work. Hope it is not complicated explained, Can later explaine with different words. Whole process is complicated first time, but can be a quick routine with little practice.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 27 April 2015

Basically what Themler would need to do here is:

  • Put widgets positions (already does it).
  • Or maybe in this case remove need for widgets and use any other container.
  • Give us option to insert in this container Themler archive loop with some basic options, Name category ID or slug, limit number posts, pagination yes or no. Strip from this loop some things standard Themler loops have.
  • Make new template files used not anywhere except for those mini archive loops.

Dont know if Themler developers are so sadistic. :)
One thing you need to understand. With something like this they would ruin all commercial WordPress themes companies.
They make one theme by up to 10 developers. They do it for months. Simply because they can do it this way, because they sell one theme in thousands examples. And now imagine Themler does it very quick by single person only. :)

Basically what Themler would need to do here is: - Put widgets positions (already does it). - Or maybe in this case remove need for widgets and use any other container. - Give us option to insert in this container Themler archive loop with some basic options, Name category ID or slug, limit number posts, pagination yes or no. Strip from this loop some things standard Themler loops have. - Make new template files used not anywhere except for those mini archive loops. Dont know if Themler developers are so sadistic. :) One thing you need to understand. With something like this they would ruin all commercial WordPress themes companies. They make one theme by up to 10 developers. They do it for months. Simply because they can do it this way, because they sell one theme in thousands examples. And now imagine Themler does it very quick by single person only. :)
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 27 April 2015

@ Eugene,

I believe I know what are you talking. This is something very different. Dynamic frontpages, not static as you said.
I know how to make frontpage with one page only. There are plenty of free and paid visual composers. This is something totally different.

I would never dare to give option for users and beginners to change something on frontpage. Chance they will ruin website is huge.

With mini archive loops they get very dynamic frontpage and they never work directly on it. No way they can ruin soimething.

But not even this is point here. Point is responsive and Themler Bootstrap.

What took me hours and days before now are literally few click in Themler.
Not anymore this hell and evil circle of overtweaking and using to much CSS code when not needed.
Problem itself is not some lines of CSS code to much but problem is how browsers detect it. And I had websites when I after few months detected on some browser, with some specific screen resolution layout is wrong. Embarrasing. Only because of mine few lines od CSS code to much.

Uf, cannot even explain it with words.

@ Eugene, I believe I know what are you talking. This is something very different. Dynamic frontpages, not static as you said. I know how to make frontpage with one page only. There are plenty of free and paid visual composers. This is something totally different. I would never dare to give option for users and beginners to change something on frontpage. Chance they will ruin website is huge. With mini archive loops they get very dynamic frontpage and they never work directly on it. No way they can ruin soimething. But not even this is point here. Point is **responsive and Themler Bootstrap.** What took me hours and days before now are literally few click in Themler. Not anymore this hell and evil circle of overtweaking and using to much CSS code when not needed. Problem itself is not some lines of CSS code to much but problem is how browsers detect it. And I had websites when I after few months detected on some browser, with some specific screen resolution layout is wrong. Embarrasing. Only because of mine few lines od CSS code to much. Uf, cannot even explain it with words.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 01 September 2015

I solved it in much better way. Man what complicated I did it first. But so it is when one is green. Actually it was more WordPress issue than Themler`s.

Now I can do homepage custom mini post loops, with Themler editing possibilities keeped.

I did not know I can interrupt wp_query, specify array and output it together with "theme_blog_24();"
No more widgets, manual editing of files, etc...

New era in Themler editing has began.

I solved it in much better way. Man what complicated I did it first. But so it is when one is green. Actually it was more WordPress issue than Themler`s. Now I can do homepage custom mini post loops, with Themler editing possibilities keeped. I did not know I can interrupt wp_query, specify array and output it together with "theme_blog_24();" No more widgets, manual editing of files, etc... New era in Themler editing has began.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 01 September 2015

I see there is no much activity on topic about such revolutionary thing inside Themler. I will post a picture for better understanding.

What Themler allows you with just few steps, make hidden custom template, name it for one category you know will never exist on website, strip it from everything except posts loop self. Save.

Insert CMS Code control on frontpage template with custom wp_query. Save. Happy Themler editing. All Themler options are there for each small mini loop block. And changing things on blocks in frontpage change things inside hidden template, even without going there anymore.

I see there is no much activity on topic about such revolutionary thing inside Themler. I will post a picture for better understanding. What Themler allows you with just few steps, make hidden custom template, name it for one category you know will never exist on website, strip it from everything except posts loop self. Save. Insert CMS Code control on frontpage template with custom wp_query. Save. Happy Themler editing. All Themler options are there for each small mini loop block. And changing things on blocks in frontpage change things inside hidden template, even without going there anymore. ![][1] [1]:
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 15 September 2015

Wow Stagger, this looks really really good, you mean you can style all these blog areas? this is something i couldn't do in themler at all until they perhaps add their posts grid control to regualr elements...

any chance to get some kind of tutorial for this? this can be really premium stuff man,

thanks :)

Wow Stagger, this looks really really good, you mean you can style all these blog areas? this is something i couldn't do in themler at all until they perhaps add their posts grid control to regualr elements... any chance to get some kind of tutorial for this? this can be really premium stuff man, thanks :)
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 15 September 2015

Hi Shaul,

I tried to make one video tutorial for a friend of mine. He is using Themler too.
But honestly, video looks like my ass.

I am simply anti talent for making video tutorials. Will try later to make something, if nothing with screenshots.

Hi Shaul, I tried to make one video tutorial for a friend of mine. He is using Themler too. But honestly, video looks like my ass. I am simply anti talent for making video tutorials. Will try later to make something, if nothing with screenshots.
18 Posts
team7 posted this 14 January 2016

Having more control over wordpress content as shown in the picture above is absolutely essential if Themler is to be useful as a fully professional tool, not just useful for 'many' cases (simple small business sites and blogs etc). Styling a proper news homepage with different layouts, different sections and having it all drawn properly from the wordpress core would be pure magic. (Stagger Lee's picture).

Having more control over wordpress content as shown in the picture above is absolutely essential if Themler is to be useful as a fully professional tool, not just useful for 'many' cases (simple small business sites and blogs etc). Styling a proper news homepage with different layouts, different sections and having it all drawn properly from the wordpress core would be pure magic. (Stagger Lee's picture).

Last edited 14 January 2016 by team7

78 Posts
dpodesta posted this 30 January 2016

looks like raxo module, why not just use joomla extensions to achieve this. Just curious, I may be missing something.

looks like raxo module, why not just use joomla extensions to achieve this. Just curious, I may be missing something.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 30 January 2016

It is for WordPress.
No module / plugin will use native Themler Bootstrap and responsive. You depend of module styling.

It is for WordPress. No module / plugin will use native Themler Bootstrap and responsive. You depend of module styling.
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 30 January 2016

Stagger, is there any chance you will give a second try for the video? I still want to know how to achieve this, this looks great!

Stagger, is there any chance you will give a second try for the video? I still want to know how to achieve this, this looks great!
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 30 January 2016

Where to upload huge videos for free ? Except Youtube.

Where to upload huge videos for free ? Except Youtube.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 31 January 2016

Here is video:

Can you please make it possible to embed Youtube code. It already shows in preview. There are no security risks behind it.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Here is video: Can you please make it possible to embed Youtube code. It already shows in preview. There are no security risks behind it. &lt;iframe width=&quot;640&quot; height=&quot;360&quot; src=&quot;; frameborder=&quot;0&quot; allowfullscreen=&quot;&quot;&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 31 January 2016

Code used in tutorial:

'cat'=> 606,
'posts_per_page' => 2,
// 'offset' => '1',

//Get the Posts


<?php echo(is_singular() ? wp_html_excerpt(theme_get_content(), 100, '...' ) : wp_html_excerpt(get_the_excerpt(), 100, '...' )); ?>


<?php echo get_permalink($blog_page_id); ?>

**Code used in tutorial:** &lt;?php $args=array( 'cat'=&gt; 606, 'posts_per_page' =&gt; 2, // 'offset' =&gt; '1', ); query_posts($args); //Get the Posts theme_blog_21(); wp_reset_query(); ?&gt; **And....** &lt;?php echo(is_singular() ? wp_html_excerpt(theme_get_content(), 100, '...' ) : wp_html_excerpt(get_the_excerpt(), 100, '...' )); ?&gt; **And....** &lt;?php echo get_permalink($blog_page_id); ?&gt;
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 31 January 2016

It says the video has been removed.... i can't see it currently..

It says the video has been removed.... i can't see it currently..
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 31 January 2016

I really dont understand why. Someone reported video. No music tracks inside, simple tutorial how to use Themler and make WordPress templates, Youtube account made today.

The YouTube community flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. After reviewing the content, we’ve determined that the videos violate our Community Guidelines. As a result, we removed the following videos from YouTube:

 "Themler - Homepage template mini loops dynamically populated from different categories" (

Your account has received one Community Guidelines strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account getting terminated.

I really dont understand why. Someone reported video. No music tracks inside, simple tutorial how to use Themler and make WordPress templates, Youtube account made today. The YouTube community flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. After reviewing the content, we’ve determined that the videos violate our Community Guidelines. As a result, we removed the following videos from YouTube: "Themler - Homepage template mini loops dynamically populated from different categories" ( Your account has received one Community Guidelines strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account getting terminated.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 01 February 2016

I maybe try Vimeo. Video is over 200 MB and is 50 minutes long. There is not just this part, but whole styling of different blocks. For beginners, they complain about missing videos. Experienced users can forward video and short time.

Some of you who use Youtube for many years and often maybe can tell me what wrong is with this video. There is no point uploading it again if I dont know what wrong I am doing:

PS: I see video is back and online. Can you see it ?
I appealed strike yestarday and explained what it is about.

I maybe try Vimeo. Video is over 200 MB and is 50 minutes long. There is not just this part, but whole styling of different blocks. For beginners, they complain about missing videos. Experienced users can forward video and short time. Some of you who use Youtube for many years and often maybe can tell me what wrong is with this video. There is no point uploading it again if I dont know what wrong I am doing: ------------------------- PS: I see video is back and online. Can you see it ? I appealed strike yestarday and explained what it is about.
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 01 February 2016

Hi Stagger, it seems its working now!
Thanks man i will start viewing your video and check what we can do.

generally speaking, can i make a section out of it after i edit everything, or the process should be done in every site again?

Thanks man :)

Hi Stagger, it seems its working now! Thanks man i will start viewing your video and check what we can do. generally speaking, can i make a section out of it after i edit everything, or the process should be done in every site again? Thanks man :)
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 01 February 2016

You can make sections of course. Just dont forget to adapt on new sites category ID and main loop theme number, number of posts.

I told you I cant make video turorial. It is 50 minutes long. But most of it is styling and all processes repeated 5 times (5 mini loops). You can fast forward if it is boring for you. In video there are maybe some styling tips for beginners too.

You can make sections of course. Just dont forget to adapt on new sites category ID and main loop theme number, number of posts. I told you I cant make video turorial. It is 50 minutes long. But most of it is styling and all processes repeated 5 times (5 mini loops). You can fast forward if it is boring for you. In video there are maybe some styling tips for beginners too.
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