Wordpress Mobile Header Messed Up

13 Posts
tiriinx posted this 18 March 2017

enter image description here

My mobile header section in Wordpress got all messed up.

Anyone can hep me fix this?

![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://s9.postimg.org/qclnc7xy7/wordpress_menu_mobile.png My mobile header section in Wordpress got all messed up. Anyone can hep me fix this?
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447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 19 March 2017

Hi tiriinx, maybe i can help.

What exactly do you need to do?

Hi tiriinx, maybe i can help. What exactly do you need to do?
13 Posts
tiriinx posted this 19 March 2017


As you can see, the header in mobile view gets messed up, mostly from the menu icon container taking up the whole width. Can't seem to be able to change it.

I basically just want the menu icon to show on the left side, and the logo on the center, all on the same row.

Hey As you can see, the header in mobile view gets messed up, mostly from the menu icon container taking up the whole width. Can't seem to be able to change it. I basically just want the menu icon to show on the left side, and the logo on the center, all on the same row.
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 19 March 2017

It will be really hard to know what exactly is the problem without seeing your theme....

But maybe try to float the menu to the left, and than give a margin or padding to the logo until you see where you want....

It will be really hard to know what exactly is the problem without seeing your theme.... But maybe try to float the menu to the left, and than give a margin or padding to the logo until you see where you want....
13 Posts
tiriinx posted this 19 March 2017

enter image description here

Tried it, still no good

But maybe try to float the menu to the left, and than give a margin or padding to the logo until you see where you want....

![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://s4.postimg.org/f6wozsdod/floatleft.png Tried it, still no good > But maybe try to float the menu to the left, and than give a margin or padding to the logo until you see where you want....
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 20 March 2017

I will end to see your theme also in desktop mode to understand how your header is built....i am still not sure from your pic.

Please add me on skype, my Skype name is : shaul.net

I will be happy to help there if I can... you could share the screen and I will know exactly how to fix this...

Have a great day,


I will end to see your theme also in desktop mode to understand how your header is built....i am still not sure from your pic. Please add me on skype, my Skype name is : shaul.net I will be happy to help there if I can... you could share the screen and I will know exactly how to fix this... Have a great day, Shaul.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 20 March 2017


In case you won't find a solution, provide an access to the site back end or attach your theme so we could review the settings.


Hi, In case you won't find a solution, provide an access to the site back end or attach your theme so we could review the settings. Sincerely, Hella
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