CSS for category menu in Woocommerce

25 Posts
hovmedia posted this 27 March 2017


I am using Themler to create design for a webshop created in Woocommerce. It works great, but I have some problems with the vertical "Product Category Menu". I use the widget that comes with Woocommerce and it looks terible. The menu comes up as a bullet-list. I would like to add the vertical menu CSS from Themler.

Any advices on how to do it? URL: http://dinturbutikk.no/butikk/

Hello! I am using Themler to create design for a webshop created in Woocommerce. It works great, but I have some problems with the vertical "Product Category Menu". I use the widget that comes with Woocommerce and it looks terible. The menu comes up as a bullet-list. I would like to add the vertical menu CSS from Themler. Any advices on how to do it? URL: http://dinturbutikk.no/butikk/
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 March 2017


Themler vertical menu style can be applied to the Vertical Menu widget only. To output product categories in the vertical menu please add VM widget and select appropriate source:


Thank you,

Hi. Themler vertical menu style can be applied to the Vertical Menu widget only. To output product categories in the vertical menu please add VM widget and select appropriate source: !vm-prod-cat.png! Thank you, Olivia
25 Posts
hovmedia posted this 27 March 2017

I can not see "Porduct Categories" as a menu option. I know I manually can create one, but I would like to avoid it to make it easier for others to update site.

I can not see "Porduct Categories" as a menu option. I know I manually can create one, but I would like to avoid it to make it easier for others to update site.
25 Posts
hovmedia posted this 27 March 2017

Coorection. I found it in the "Vertical menu" widget. Thanks! :)

Coorection. I found it in the "Vertical menu" widget. Thanks! :)
Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 March 2017

You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion.


You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion. Sincerely, Hella
111 Posts
Seagull posted this 03 July 2017


Can you please tell me if there is anyway to style the product categories drop down widget menu for woocommerce? The one that it is Hovmedia's first example?

I don't have room for a fully expanded vertical menu so am using the widget in my sidebar with the dropdown option and the client has requested that the parent categories be listed in bold but I cannot find any setting for it.

Thank you and best regards,

Hello, Can you please tell me if there is anyway to style the product categories drop down widget menu for woocommerce? The one that it is Hovmedia's first example? I don't have room for a fully expanded vertical menu so am using the widget in my sidebar with the dropdown option and the client has requested that the parent categories be listed in bold but I cannot find any setting for it. Thank you and best regards, Angela
Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 July 2017


Unfortunately there is no option to make it in Themler. But you can style them manually using custom css. for example:

#dropdown_product_cat .level-0
font-weight: bold;

Custom css can be added to Themler Settings >> Additional CSS.

Thank you,

Hi, Unfortunately there is no option to make it in Themler. But you can style them manually using custom css. for example: `#dropdown_product_cat .level-0 { font-weight: bold; }` Custom css can be added to Themler Settings >> Additional CSS. Thank you, Olivia
111 Posts
Seagull posted this 05 July 2017

Thank you Olivia, I'll try that :-)

Thank you Olivia, I'll try that :-)
111 Posts
Seagull posted this 05 July 2017

Hi again Olivia,

unfortunately I tried that css but even with !important statement it didn't have any effect. Could anything else be effecting it?

Best regards,

Hi again Olivia, unfortunately I tried that css but even with !important statement it didn't have any effect. Could anything else be effecting it? Best regards, Angela
Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 July 2017


We need a live link to the page with the issue to say what may cause it.
The provided solution works ok on my side:


Thank you,

Hi, We need a live link to the page with the issue to say what may cause it. The provided solution works ok on my side: !product-categories-2.png! Thank you, Olivia
111 Posts
Seagull posted this 06 July 2017

Thank you but the website is behind a coming soon plugin and not accessible at the moment until launch, can I possibly make a new private thread and send you the theme instead please?

Best regards,

Thank you but the website is behind a coming soon plugin and not accessible at the moment until launch, can I possibly make a new private thread and send you the theme instead please? Best regards, Angela
Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 July 2017


Please create a new private topic and provide the access to the admin panel. The theme will not help without website front end.

Thank you,

Hi, Please create a new private topic and provide the access to the admin panel. The theme will not help without website front end. Thank you, Olivia
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