Home Slider module, carousel interval does not work in prestashop

3 Posts
emmanuel.auchet posted this 28 March 2017

I use the standard module Homeslider to the hook HomeContent and from both Themler editor and Module conifguration page I set the interval to 4000ms but nothing happens. The interval is allways to 1500ms, and i not possible to change it.
There is a solution ?
Is it possible to use the default prestashop slider "BxSlider" ?

I use the standard module Homeslider to the hook HomeContent and from both Themler editor and Module conifguration page I set the interval to 4000ms but nothing happens. The interval is allways to 1500ms, and i not possible to change it. There is a solution ? Is it possible to use the default prestashop slider "BxSlider" ?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 March 2017


Themler can configure only the slider added inside Themler using the Slider control. Please make sure that configuring the Prestashop module from the site back end works with the default Prestashop theme.


Hi, Themler can configure only the slider added inside Themler using the Slider control. Please make sure that configuring the Prestashop module from the site back end works with the default Prestashop theme. Sincerely, Hella
3 Posts
emmanuel.auchet posted this 29 March 2017

Yes with the default theme, the module "homeslider" works well.
But in Themler, when I add the hook (with the module) in a template, it's look like Themler take the control over this module. (see the screenshoot).
And if I want to change from themler the "Carousel Interval" it's not working.
What can i do to set this "homeslider" default module independante from Themler ?

Yes with the default theme, the module "homeslider" works well. But in Themler, when I add the hook (with the module) in a template, it's look like Themler take the control over this module. (see the screenshoot). And if I want to change from themler the "Carousel Interval" it's not working. What can i do to set this "homeslider" default module independante from Themler ?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 31 March 2017


Sorry for the delay.
I've reproduced this issue and reported it to our developers.
We'll fix it in the future updates.

Thank you,

Hi, Sorry for the delay. I've reproduced this issue and reported it to our developers. We'll fix it in the future updates. Thank you, Olivia
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