Woocommerce plugins not working with Themler theme

72 Posts
info1938 posted this 21 June 2017


I've installed a Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) for WooCommerce plugin, but it's not working with Themler theme. It works fine with any other theme, though.

It's really important for this plugin to work. The problem is that instead of the price it is supposed to show a box with a number to use for price, next to the "Add to cart" button.

Check it here:

It simply shows nothing next to the button. When I change to default theme it shows fine (check attached file).

Hello! I've installed a Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) for WooCommerce plugin, but it's not working with Themler theme. It works fine with any other theme, though. It's really important for this plugin to work. The problem is that instead of the price it is supposed to show a box with a number to use for price, next to the "Add to cart" button. Check it here: http://quazymode.com/product/nl4-2-40/ It simply shows nothing next to the button. When I change to default theme it shows fine (check attached file).
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 June 2017


What exactly plugin settings should we apply to reproduce the issue?

Thank you,

Hi, What exactly plugin settings should we apply to reproduce the issue? Thank you, Olivia
72 Posts
info1938 posted this 23 June 2017


Settings are attached.

Hello! Settings are attached.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 June 2017


I've installed this plugin:
and applied the listed settings.
Here is what I see with Themler theme:


and with 2017 theme:


Please make sure that you added Product variation control in Themler.

Thank you,

Hi, I've installed this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/product-open-pricing-name-your-price-for-woocommerce/ and applied the listed settings. Here is what I see with Themler theme: !themler-open-pricing.png! and with 2017 theme: !2017-open-pricing.png! Please make sure that you added Product variation control in Themler. Thank you, Olivia
72 Posts
Is Solution
info1938 posted this 23 June 2017


Thank you, with inserting "Product variations" it works.

Hello! Thank you, with inserting "Product variations" it works.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 June 2017


You're welcome!

Thank you,

Hi, You're welcome! Thank you, Olivia
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