Why my subcategories in VirtueMart not showing image?

78 Posts
kostianev posted this 11 July 2017

Dear, I have VirtueMart + Joomla shop and have tree structure of my categories, but for Subcategories can't see the image. How can I show the subcategories images, like the main.

For example:
- Main Category (Shown image)
-- Sub Category (Not shown image)

Please, help me?

Dear, I have VirtueMart + Joomla shop and have tree structure of my categories, but for Subcategories can't see the image. How can I show the subcategories images, like the main. For example: - Main Category (Shown image) -- Sub Category (Not shown image) Please, help me?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 July 2017


Please make sure to add the required subcategory control to the grid from Products tab >> Categories >> Subcategories >> Add Control >> Category Image.

BillionDigital Team

Hello, Please make sure to add the required subcategory control to the grid from Products tab >> Categories >> Subcategories >> Add Control >> Category Image. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
78 Posts
kostianev posted this 11 July 2017

Can you show me where is this settings? I can't find this Category Image?

Can you show me where is this settings? I can't find this Category Image?
Support Team posted this 11 July 2017


At the bottom under "Controls" there should be "Add Control" option. It will not appear if at the moment a category is opened that has no subcategories. So please try opening some category that has subcategories with right-clik >> Open Link and then access again Subcategories >> Controls > Add Control and there should be "Category Image" available for adding.

BillionDigital Team

Hello, At the bottom under "Controls" there should be "Add Control" option. It will not appear if at the moment a category is opened that has no subcategories. So please try opening some category that **has subcategories** with right-clik >> Open Link and then access again Subcategories >> Controls > Add Control and there should be "Category Image" available for adding. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
78 Posts
kostianev posted this 11 July 2017

Thank you

Thank you
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 July 2017

You are welcome! Please feel free to contact us in any other case.

BillionDigital Team

You are welcome! Please feel free to contact us in any other case. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
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