How do I add a slider so that it appears on all the pages?

83 Posts
jackymoore10 posted this 11 October 2017

How do I add slider from the sections so that it appears on all pages?

How do I add slider from the sections so that it appears on all pages?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 October 2017


I suggest that you use Sidebars. If you enable one of the Sidebars on all templates (Top Sidebar, for example) and locate the Section with Slider inside this sidebar the Slider will appear on all pages.
The Sidebars can be enabled under the Insert tab.

Thank you,

Hi, I suggest that you use Sidebars. If you enable one of the Sidebars on all templates (Top Sidebar, for example) and locate the Section with Slider inside this sidebar the Slider will appear on all pages. The Sidebars can be enabled under the Insert tab. Thank you, Olivia
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