Content not responsive

8 Posts
Tafy posted this 01 January 2018

I have form from a plugin that i have added to my theme. However it is not displaying in responsive mode in mobile and tablet.,%202018&arrival_datetime=2018-01-01&departure=January%202,%202018&departure_datetime=2018-01-02&adult=1&room_type&step=2&current_page_id=128&action=opalhotel_reservation_step

I have form from a plugin that i have added to my theme. However it is not displaying in responsive mode in mobile and tablet.,%202018&arrival_datetime=2018-01-01&departure=January%202,%202018&departure_datetime=2018-01-02&adult=1&room_type&step=2&current_page_id=128&action=opalhotel_reservation_step
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 January 2018


There are two problems here. First one is that the Posts control layout used on the template for these pages uses columns. The responsive layout has two columns. You need to adjust the Layout option of the Posts control >> Number of Columns option in Themler.
The second problem is that the forms are not responsive by themselves. Themler does not control the styles of the third-party plugins. Therefore this issue cannot be solved in Themler.

Thank you,

Hello, There are two problems here. First one is that the Posts control layout used on the template for these pages uses columns. The responsive layout has two columns. You need to adjust the Layout option of the Posts control >> Number of Columns option in Themler. The second problem is that the forms are not responsive by themselves. Themler does not control the styles of the third-party plugins. Therefore this issue cannot be solved in Themler. Thank you, Olivia
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