Text is not responsive Joomla

4 Posts
marcoterpstra posted this 15 July 2018


I tried to find the answer online, but couldn't.
On the homepage its working fine, but when i work in article on my subpage. Text doesn't wanne become responsive.
Text is not scaling with the container wich makes the following problem:

How can i fix this?

Hi! I tried to find the answer online, but couldn't. On the homepage its working fine, but when i work in article on my subpage. Text doesn't wanne become responsive. Text is not scaling with the container wich makes the following problem: https://ibb.co/jBwL7T How can i fix this?
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Vitaliy WD
490 Posts
Is Solution
Vitaliy WD posted this 15 July 2018


Try to set White-space: normal; in Arrange. And word-wrap: break-word; .
Share link to website or export and share .zip theme with editor if it's not help.

Hi. Try to set `White-space: normal;` in **Arrange**. And `word-wrap: break-word;` . Share link to website or export and share .zip theme with editor if it's not help.
4 Posts
marcoterpstra posted this 15 July 2018

My hero! Thanks it worked!

My hero! Thanks it worked!
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