Ribbon - Additional controls

Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 05 August 2015

Ribbon has already HTML source button for inserting HTML code.

Can you add buttons for inserting shortcode/cms code ?
We could make own functions for showing menu via shortcode, or put menu PHP code directly as CMS Code.

Or any better to allow inserting global controls directly in ribbon, if it would not take much time from your developers.

It would guarantee menu is allways centered inside ribbon and we would avoid unpleasant use of position:absoulte and z-index.

Additional problem is Chrome Themler screeen shows (for me anyway) different than Chrome real website tab.

People vote for it !
Ribbons are not meant just as text containers, but menu containers, header containers, etc...

Ribbon has already HTML source button for inserting HTML code. Can you add buttons for inserting shortcode/cms code ? We could make own functions for showing menu via shortcode, or put menu PHP code directly as CMS Code. Or any better to allow inserting global controls directly in ribbon, if it would not take much time from your developers. It would guarantee menu is allways centered inside ribbon and we would avoid unpleasant use of position:absoulte and z-index. Additional problem is Chrome Themler screeen shows (for me anyway) different than Chrome real website tab. People vote for it ! Ribbons are not meant just as text containers, but menu containers, header containers, etc...
Vote to pay developers attention to this features or issue.
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Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 05 August 2015

Some examples.




enter link description here

Some examples. ![http://www.pixeden.com/media/k2/galleries/62/001_psd-web-elements-retro-ribbons-label-menu.jpg][1] ![http://cdn.themeland.com/image/detail/20076/590/image.jpg][2] ![http://community.wdfiles.com/local--files/files/ribbon-half.jpg][3] ![enter link description here][4] [1]: http://www.pixeden.com/media/k2/galleries/62/001_psd-web-elements-retro-ribbons-label-menu.jpg [2]: http://cdn.themeland.com/image/detail/20076/590/image.jpg [3]: http://community.wdfiles.com/local--files/files/ribbon-half.jpg [4]: http://www.pixeden.com/media/k2/galleries/62/002_psd-web-elements-retro-ribbons-label-menu.jpg
447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 06 August 2015

Great Idea, +1 from me.

Great Idea, +1 from me.
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 06 August 2015

I noticed ribbon is never mentioned anywhere in theme, except CSS and PHP template self. Functions, etc for ribbon are completely pulled from Billion servers.

it would be nice if we could get a list with filters and actions as other theme frameworks have. There is no need to have everything as GUI option, we can override some things by self. If it is possible at all regarding how Themler scripts work and generate themes.

For instance this issue form topic. We just need filter to enable shortcode or php inside ribbon function. Same as we can enable php/shortcodes in widgets, widget ttiles, custom fields, etc.
There is really no need for GUI options for everything. It would spare time for developers to.

Guess it is here API documentation comes in play, but i am not sure.

I noticed ribbon is never mentioned anywhere in theme, except CSS and PHP template self. Functions, etc for ribbon are completely pulled from Billion servers. it would be nice if we could get a list with filters and actions as other theme frameworks have. There is no need to have everything as GUI option, we can override some things by self. If it is possible at all regarding how Themler scripts work and generate themes. For instance this issue form topic. We just need filter to enable shortcode or php inside ribbon function. Same as we can enable php/shortcodes in widgets, widget ttiles, custom fields, etc. There is really no need for GUI options for everything. It would spare time for developers to. Guess it is here API documentation comes in play, but i am not sure.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 August 2015


I've added your request to our wish list!

Thank you,

Hi, I've added your request to our wish list! Thank you, Olivia
17 Posts
Hamzah posted this 21 January 2016


Any progress??!!!!

Hi, Any progress??!!!!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 January 2016


This request is still marked as wish. There is no progress at this time.
We do not plan to add more ribbon types to existing controls in the near future.
Such ribbons can always be implemented using background images.

Thank you,

Hi, This request is still marked as wish. There is no progress at this time. We do not plan to add more ribbon types to existing controls in the near future. Such ribbons can always be implemented using background images. Thank you, Olivia
Stagger Lee
1818 Posts
Stagger Lee posted this 26 January 2016

No new ribbons, it would be stupid. Just ability to insert HTML/PHP code (some controls) inside ribbon instead of text.
We can do some work self, no need to be everything in UI options.

No new ribbons, it would be stupid. Just ability to insert HTML/PHP code (some controls) inside ribbon instead of text. We can do some work self, no need to be everything in UI options.
1 Posts
aegontargaryen14 posted this 17 April 2024

It's intriguing to consider the flexibility of adding shortcode/CMS code buttons directly into the ribbon. Do you think this could streamline the process of integrating complex functionalities without heavy coding? What sort of impact do you foresee this having on customization and ease of use for developers?
retro bowl

It's intriguing to consider the flexibility of adding shortcode/CMS code buttons directly into the ribbon. Do you think this could streamline the process of integrating complex functionalities without heavy coding? What sort of impact do you foresee this having on customization and ease of use for developers? [retro bowl][1] [1]: https://retrobowl.pro/play
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