Copy theme to new one, change the layout but thumbnail of theme remains the same

Janno Hordijk
9 Posts
Janno Hordijk posted this 14 December 2018

How can I force Themler to recreate the thumbnail of the theme that is shown in WordPress Themes?

How can I force Themler to recreate the thumbnail of the theme that is shown in WordPress Themes?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 December 2018

Hello Janno,

I apologize for the delay.

I couldn't reproduce the issue if I use File -> Save as Copy option in Themler. Once I edit the copied theme and publish it, I can see it in wp-admin -> Appearance -> Themes with new thumbnail.
Could you please describe how you make the copies?

Themler Support

Hello Janno, I apologize for the delay. I couldn't reproduce the issue if I use File -> Save as Copy option in Themler. Once I edit the copied theme and publish it, I can see it in wp-admin -> Appearance -> Themes with new thumbnail. Could you please describe how you make the copies? Gina Themler Support
Janno Hordijk
9 Posts
Janno Hordijk posted this 19 December 2018

Hi Gina, no problem, I only did a Save as but forgot to publish it. It works as you described. Thank you!

Best regards, Janno

Hi Gina, no problem, I only did a Save as but forgot to publish it. It works as you described. Thank you! Best regards, Janno
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