Can't edit the template after updating to Joomla 3.9.12

8 Posts
cgerauy posted this 26 September 2019

After updating Joomla to version 3.9.12 it is not possible to edit the template. Error: Sorry, an error has occurred. Please clear your browser cache.

We try to fix it through the toolbar.php file as always and it doesn't work.

Please, we need an urgent solution.


After updating Joomla to version 3.9.12 it is not possible to edit the template. Error: Sorry, an error has occurred. Please clear your browser cache. We try to fix it through the toolbar.php file as always and it doesn't work. Please, we need an urgent solution. Thanks.

Last edited 26 September 2019 by cgerauy

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 September 2019


Could you please import the theme in Themler desktop, update it to the latest Themler version and then export it under a different name and install in your Joomla? This should help.


Hello, Could you please import the theme in Themler desktop, update it to the latest Themler version and then export it under a different name and install in your Joomla? This should help. Sincerely, Nettie
8 Posts
cgerauy posted this 27 September 2019

It does not work.

For Themler desktop it is updapted. When exported a installed in Joomla, still can't edit it.

What else can we do?

It does not work. For Themler desktop it is updapted. When exported a installed in Joomla, still can't edit it. What else can we do?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 September 2019


Please follow these steps to fix the current theme:
After this update the theme to the latest Themler version that supports Joomla 3.9.


Hello, Please follow these steps to fix the current theme: After this update the theme to the latest Themler version that supports Joomla 3.9. Sincerely, Nettie
1 Posts
nataliadanyliak4 posted this 22 October 2019

It does not work.

For Themler desktop it is updapted. When exported a installed in Joomla, still can't edit it.

What else can we do?

Same problem here. I post another thread complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered.

> It does not work. > > For [Themler desktop]( it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it. > > What else can we do? > Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered. [1]:

Last edited 22 October 2019 by nataliadanyliak4

8 Posts
cgerauy posted this 22 October 2019

It does not work.

For Themler desktop it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it.

What else can we do?

Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered.


Thanks for your answer.

I found that it is a problem of themler with the last update of virtuemart.

By now, I'm working with the old version of virtuemart in order to be able to use themler.

> > It does not work. > > > > For [Themler desktop]( it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it. > > > > What else can we do? > > > > Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered. > > > > > [1]: Thanks for your answer. I found that it is a problem of themler with the last update of virtuemart. By now, I'm working with the old version of virtuemart in order to be able to use themler.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 October 2019


The latest Themler Beta update supports Virtuemart 3.6. Please try to temporarily disable Virtuemart, then update theme to the latest Themler version (you may need to enable Beta update notifications in your profile to see the update), then enable Virtuemart.


Hello, The latest Themler Beta update supports Virtuemart 3.6. Please try to temporarily disable Virtuemart, then update theme to the latest Themler version (you may need to enable Beta update notifications in your profile to see the update), then enable Virtuemart. Sincerely, Nettie
2 Posts
abdulhaseeb0512 posted this 19 March 2020

It does not work.

For Themler desktop it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it.

What else can we do?

Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered.


HI Could you please import the theme in Themler desktop, update it to the latest Themler version and then export it under a different name and install in your Joomla? This should help.

> > It does not work. > > > > For [Themler desktop]( it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it. > > > > What else can we do? > > > > Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered. > > > > > [1]: HI Could you please import the theme in Themler desktop, update it to the latest Themler version and then export it under a different name and install in your Joomla? This should help.
2 Posts
abdulhaseeb0512 posted this 10 September 2020

It does not work.

For Themler desktop it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it.

What else can we do?

Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered.


HI Could you please import the theme in Themler desktop, update it to the latest Themler version and then export it under a different name and install in your Joomla? This should help.

hey Please try to temporarily disable Virtuemart, then update theme to the latest Themler version (you may need to enable Beta update notifications in your profile to see the update), then enable Virtuemart.

> > > It does not work. > > > > > > For [Themler desktop]( it is updapted. When exported a installed in [Joomla][1], still can't edit it. > > > > > > What else can we do? > > > > > > > Same problem here. I post another [thread][1] complaining about this issue so check for replies from time to time, maybe it will be answered. > > > > > > > > > > [1]: > > HI Could you please import the theme in Themler desktop, update it to the latest Themler version and then export it under a different name and install in your Joomla? This should help. hey Please try to temporarily disable Virtuemart, then update theme to the latest Themler version (you may need to enable Beta update notifications in your profile to see the update), then enable Virtuemart.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 September 2020


Indeed, this is a possible solution. Or import the theme in Themler desktop, update it there and export under a different name. This should help as well.


Hello, Indeed, this is a possible solution. Or import the theme in Themler desktop, update it there and export under a different name. This should help as well. Sincerely, Nettie
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