How to create a mobile menu that pushes down the page content?

57 Posts
Porrey posted this 06 December 2019

Hello, I would like to create a mobile menu (horizontal menu) that pushes down all the other content if you click on the menu icon to expand it.

How can I do this?

Hello, I would like to create a mobile menu (horizontal menu) that pushes down all the other content if you click on the menu icon to expand it. How can I do this?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 December 2019

Hello Torsten,

Accordion menu type does push the content below:


Themler Support

Hello Torsten, Accordion menu type does push the content below: !accordion.png! Gina Themler Support
57 Posts
Porrey posted this 16 January 2020

Hello, thanks for the answer it worked. I just had to upgrade Themler.

And how can I do it that the menu expands the container it's in?

Hello, thanks for the answer it worked. I just had to upgrade Themler. And how can I do it that the menu expands the container it's in?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 January 2020

If you use Accordion menu, it is expanded down inside the container it is in, if the setting for Action is set to "Expand on Click". Could you please specify your request?


Themler Support

If you use Accordion menu, it is expanded down inside the container it is in, if the setting for Action is set to "Expand on Click". Could you please specify your request? !accordion-expand.png! Gina Themler Support
57 Posts
Porrey posted this 16 January 2020

Got it. It works. Thank you

Got it. It works. Thank you
57 Posts
Porrey posted this 21 January 2020

Another question: I use the horizontal menu as you said above. I have some pretty long button texts, they disappear behind the mobile menu scrollbar how can I break the menu button texts?

Another question: I use the horizontal menu as you said above. I have some pretty long button texts, they disappear behind the mobile menu scrollbar how can I break the menu button texts?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 January 2020

Try to set "Pre-wrap" value for Mobile menu item White-Space. For this go to Mobile Menu => Button -> More Options -> Make sure you have "Item" selected on top. You can try selecting all "Item"s there are. Go down and set White-Space.

Themler Support

Try to set "Pre-wrap" value for Mobile menu item White-Space. For this go to Mobile Menu => Button -> More Options -> Make sure you have "Item" selected on top. You can try selecting all "Item"s there are. Go down and set White-Space. Gina Themler Support
935 Posts
DaveOzric posted this 22 January 2020

Hi Gina, when can you finish the off canvas menu so we can click on top level menu items once to open the sub menus and click on the top level again to open it?

Right now top level menu items don't have this option and it's making any larger site very poor for navigation trying to use this. A accordion for large menus is not user friendly.

Hi Gina, when can you finish the off canvas menu so we can click on top level menu items once to open the sub menus and click on the top level again to open it? Right now top level menu items don't have this option and it's making any larger site very poor for navigation trying to use this. A accordion for large menus is not user friendly.
57 Posts
Porrey posted this 27 January 2020

It worked, thank you

It worked, thank you
57 Posts
Porrey posted this 27 January 2020

But now it kills my styling. Is it possible that the wrap appears only on text that is too long?

But now it kills my styling. Is it possible that the wrap appears only on text that is too long?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 January 2020


We have constantly updating our management team on the issues with the menu and user requests.

You can set min width for the menu item. Try 100 px and change it up. Or you may try using %.


Themler Support

@Dave We have constantly updating our management team on the issues with the menu and user requests. @Torsten You can set min width for the menu item. Try 100 px and change it up. Or you may try using %. !Screenshot-2.png! Gina Themler Support
57 Posts
Porrey posted this 27 January 2020

All the size options doesn't work. If I change the height some of the menu texts disappear. It seems that in front of every menu item text is a new blank line like <br>.

Is it possible to add classes or IDs to a single menu item so I could track down the few long texts.

All the size options doesn't work. If I change the height some of the menu texts disappear. It seems that in front of every menu item text is a new blank line like &lt;br&gt;. Is it possible to add classes or IDs to a single menu item so I could track down the few long texts.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 January 2020


Could you please create new private ticket and provide access to your site?

Themler Support

Torsten, Could you please create new private ticket and provide access to your site? Gina Themler Support
27 Posts
emailrobind posted this 11 March 2021

Any help here would be much appreciated. I am having a similar issue. Mobile menu is either overlapping content when it drops down or if I move the content down to make it look right, the content is way down the page compared to the menu when it's expanded i.e. dropped down

Any help here would be much appreciated. I am having a similar issue. Mobile menu is either overlapping content when it drops down or if I move the content down to make it look right, the content is way down the page compared to the menu when it's expanded i.e. dropped down
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 March 2021

Hello Robin,

Please, create new private ticket with temporary access to your site or attached theme.

Themler Support

Hello Robin, Please, create new private ticket with temporary access to your site or attached theme. Gina Themler Support
13 Posts
svl1988 posted this 27 July 2023


I can't accordion my mobile menu. It was working automatically when the mobile page was empty, but with content it is not working anymore. When I open the settings, I miss the "opening" option.


Hello, I can't accordion my mobile menu. It was working automatically when the mobile page was empty, but with content it is not working anymore. When I open the settings, I miss the "opening" option. !v-jhbwmgvfewjgafew.png!
30 Posts
appliancerepaircalg01 posted this 04 August 2023

Got it. This is so easy. Thanks for sharing. tub to showers

Got it. This is so easy. Thanks for sharing. [tub to showers][1] [1]:
1 Posts
nofir21101 posted this 17 October 2023

This is a very nice thread for the people who want to make such menus. When we Click Here we can find the best solution to our problems, and it is the best way to find the desired answers to the problems we are facing.

This is a very nice thread for the people who want to make such menus. When we [Click Here][1] we can find the best solution to our problems, and it is the best way to find the desired answers to the problems we are facing. [1]:
1 Posts
kathleennleggett posted this 03 December 2023

This information is helpful for the Mobile menu and to visit homepage that is linked here you can get the solution with the perfect detail you want. Also for the best results you can try here the best ideas and I am sure it will definitely work for you.

This information is helpful for the Mobile menu and to [visit homepage][1] that is [linked here][2] you can get the solution with the perfect detail you want. Also for the best results [you can try here][3] the best ideas and I am sure it will definitely work for you. [1]: [2]: [3]:
Jane Ooi
1 Posts
Jane Ooi posted this 30 January 2024

Thanks I did this once long back when I was building a website with wordpress anyways really thanks for these answers and I think they will help people to understand better but if you want to find some more informative articles you can visit this educational and technical website

Thanks I did this once long back when I was building a website with wordpress anyways really thanks for these answers and I think they will help people to understand better but if you want to find some more informative articles you can visit this [educational and technical website][1] [1]:
2 Posts
b.rya.ntaaron263 posted this 02 February 2024

Would haven't ever thought about using popups as mobile menus, it looks great. insurnace comparison sites

Would haven't ever thought about using popups as mobile menus, it looks great. [insurnace comparison sites][1] [1]:
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