W3C Validator

221 Posts
Seppe posted this 03 January 2020

Good morning

After checking a lot of my websites, I have a still returning error, especially while using sections:

Warning: Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections.
< section class id data-section-title>

Any suggestion to fix this?


Good morning After checking a lot of my websites, I have a still returning error, especially while using sections: > Warning: Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections. > &lt; section class id data-section-title&gt; Any suggestion to fix this? greetings
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Vitaliy WD
490 Posts
Vitaliy WD posted this 03 January 2020


So, try to add H2-H3 headings to you sections. This also will increase your SEO.

Hi. So, try to add H2-H3 headings to you sections. This also will increase your SEO.
221 Posts
Seppe posted this 04 January 2020

Hi Vitaly
It seems like a part of my code is removed by default.

this is the code that automatically is generated by themler, and which gives the error:
(I added some blanks and _, so the code will not be stripped)

<section class=" bd-section-4 bd-tagstyles" id="section3" data-section-title="topbanner">

So I think it has something to do with the "bd-section" and "bd-tagsyles".

Hi Vitaly It seems like a part of my code is removed by default. this is the code that automatically is generated by themler, and which gives the error: (I added some blanks and _, so the code will not be stripped) <section class=" bd-section-4 bd-tagstyles" id="section3" data-section-title="topbanner"> So I think it has something to do with the "bd-section" and "bd-tagsyles".

Last edited 04 January 2020 by Seppe

Vitaliy WD
490 Posts
Vitaliy WD posted this 04 January 2020


This is not error, just a warning. The main reason is that each section on page must have heading (about what this section). Like each Page have heading.

So right after this code (or in module/widget that in this section) add this code (heading):

<h2>Write your heading here</h2>

Do it for all Sections and test again.

<section class=" bd-section-4 bd-tagstyles" id="section3" data-section-title="topbanner">
<h2>Write your heading here</h2>
<p>Your content</p>

According to W3C's HTML5 documentation: "A section is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading."
For example, a home page could normally be split into sections for introduction, content, and contact information.

About Headings: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_headings.asp
About Semantic Elements: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_semantic_elements.asp

Need to know some basics if you want W3C validation :)

Hello. This is not error, just a warning. The main reason is that each section on page must have heading (about what this section). Like each Page have heading. So right after this code (or in module/widget that in this section) add this code (heading): <h2>Write your heading here</h2> Do it for all Sections and test again. <section class=" bd-section-4 bd-tagstyles" id="section3" data-section-title="topbanner"> <h2>Write your heading here</h2> <p>Your content</p> </section> According to W3C's HTML5 documentation: "A section is a thematic grouping of content, **typically with a heading**." For example, a home page could normally be split into sections for introduction, content, and contact information. About Headings: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_headings.asp About Semantic Elements: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_semantic_elements.asp Need to know some basics if you want W3C validation :)

Last edited 04 January 2020 by Vitaliy WD

221 Posts
Seppe posted this 04 January 2020

Thanks for the info.
I know aboud headings and stuff, but I didn't know I had to add it also in the sections.
Probably I have a lot of updating to do :)

Thanks for the info. I know aboud headings and stuff, but I didn't know I had to add it also in the sections. Probably I have a lot of updating to do :)
Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 January 2020


As Vitaliy mentioned, this is a warning, mostly related to SEO purposes.
I will forward this to the developers but this won't be a top priority issue.
Please, consider adding headings manually. We apologize for the inconveniences caused.

Themler Support

Hello, As Vitaliy mentioned, this is a warning, mostly related to SEO purposes. I will forward this to the developers but this won't be a top priority issue. Please, consider adding headings manually. We apologize for the inconveniences caused. Gina Themler Support
1 Posts
Pranya13 posted this 16 March 2022

Sections must have headings for SEO best practices.

You can refer to Heading Tags on Scaler Topics blog for more info regarding how to add headings in sections

Sections must have headings for SEO best practices. You can refer to [Heading Tags on Scaler Topics][1] blog for more info regarding how to add headings in sections [1]: https://www.scaler.com/topics/html/headings-and-paragraphs-in-html/
1 Posts
sherronmira posted this 23 December 2023

Occasionally it will still minecraftle encounter errors there

Occasionally it will still [minecraftle][1] encounter errors there [1]: https://minecraftlegame.com
34 Posts
foodlenyt88 posted this 28 December 2023

Considering how clever and unique your idea is, I believe that it will be replicated and used as a source of inspiration for the development of a great deal more ideas. nytimes crossword

Considering how clever and unique your idea is, I believe that it will be replicated and used as a source of inspiration for the development of a great deal more ideas. [nytimes crossword][1] [1]: https://nytimescrossword.io
10 Posts
bekeanloinse posted this 25 March 2024

Ensure that the heading accurately describes the content or purpose of the heardle section. This helps users understand the context of the information within the section.

Ensure that the heading accurately describes the content or purpose of the [heardle][1] section. This helps users understand the context of the information within the section. [1]: https://heardleunlimited.io
5 Posts
Briel posted this 02 September 2024

Players are grouped into teams, each starting on their own island with the goal of protecting their bed from enemy attacks. In Bed Wars, the objective is to destroy the beds of other teams while safeguarding your own. Resources like iron, gold, and emeralds are used to purchase blocks, weapons, and armor that help in both offense and defense. The game is won by the last team with their bed intact or by being the final player standing.

Players are grouped into teams, each starting on their own island with the goal of protecting their bed from enemy attacks. In [Bed Wars][1], the objective is to destroy the beds of other teams while safeguarding your own. Resources like iron, gold, and emeralds are used to purchase blocks, weapons, and armor that help in both offense and defense. The game is won by the last team with their bed intact or by being the final player standing. [1]: https://bedwarsgame.org
3 Posts
hunt17565 posted this 04 September 2024

You can try other headers. dumpster rental riverside ca have tried it many times as well and it might work for you. Hope you can find the answers to it.

You can try other headers. [dumpster rental riverside ca][1] have tried it many times as well and it might work for you. Hope you can find the answers to it. [1]: https://www.dumpsterrentalriversideca.com/

Last edited 04 September 2024 by hunt17565

1 Posts
tracyberge69 posted this 06 September 2024

The ultimate game! basketball stars is captivating in every move.

The ultimate game! [basketball stars](https://basketball-stars.online) is captivating in every move.
1 Posts
laxman.w2g posted this 06 September 2024


4 Posts
awamilpathan posted this 05 November 2024

Typically designed with a straightforward interface to make applying exploits simple, even for users with minimal technical knowledge.


Typically designed with a straightforward interface to make applying exploits simple, even for users with minimal technical knowledge. [wave][1] [1]: https://waveexecutor.vip/

Last edited 05 November 2024 by awamilpathan

2 Posts
bestochenlika posted this 28 November 2024

Jumping over them or walking on the sides will allow you to spin the entire tunnel
run 3

Jumping over them or walking on the sides will allow you to spin the entire tunnel [run 3][1] [1]: https://run3online.io/
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