I cannot save my changes because themler won't let me sign in.
I cannot save my changes because themler won't let me sign in. [lovemetender.se][1] [1]: https://lovemetender.seI cannot save my changes because themler won't let me sign in.
I cannot save my changes because themler won't let me sign in. [lovemetender.se][1] [1]: https://lovemetender.seHello,
If you are using Google Chrome, try this:
1) navigate to:
find your website and click on 'Remove Item'
2) navigate to:
select 'Cached images and files ' and click on 'Clear Data' (please don't check other check-boxes).
3) Reload your Themler Editor.
If you are using the Desktop version, then:
1) close Themler
2) open Windows Explorer and type %LocalAppData% in the address bar
3) find & rename Themler directory
4) start Themler again
Themler Support
Still doesn't work. Neither in Google Chrome or Safari. I login and then a new loginbox pops up. Over and over again.
Still doesn't work. Neither in Google Chrome or Safari. I login and then a new loginbox pops up. Over and over again.Sorry for the inconvenience. We have found the problem and will try to fix it at the nearest time. It's related to security update in Google Chrome v80. Meanwhile, please, try using a different browser (e.g. Firefox).
I will test Safari, as you mentioned it as well.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We have found the problem and will try to fix it at the nearest time. It's related to security update in Google Chrome v80. Meanwhile, please, try using a different browser (e.g. Firefox). I will test Safari, as you mentioned it as well. Gina