Edit text objects

30 Posts
ideosiete posted this 15 May 2020

Help, i have a wordpress site with themler but suddenly i cant edit directly thext objects. need edit ussing html . i whant to know what appears an advice "Alert: blocked content" . i can edit only usinh <h> HTML source option.

Help, i have a wordpress site with themler but suddenly i cant edit directly thext objects. need edit ussing html . i whant to know what appears an advice "Alert: blocked content" . i can edit only usinh &lt;h&gt; HTML source option.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 May 2020


Please try these steps:
1. Temporary disable all third-party CMS plugins, components and modules.
2. Clear cache:
3. Clear AppCache. Use Chrome browser for this:
If the issue is still present, please provide temporary access to your website for investigation.


Hello, Please try these steps: 1. Temporary disable all third-party CMS plugins, components and modules. 2. Clear cache: http://answers.themler.com/articles/8713/error-sorry-an-error-has-occurred-please-clear-your-browser-cache 3. Clear AppCache. Use Chrome browser for this: http://answers.themler.com/articles/14063/how-to-clear-appcache If the issue is still present, please provide temporary access to your website for investigation. Sincerely, Nettie
30 Posts
ideosiete posted this 16 May 2020

it doesn't work. i can vive access is this. i send you under the same topic in private.

it doesn't work. i can vive access is this. i send you under the same topic in private.

Last edited 16 May 2020 by ideosiete

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