Slider not displaying on mobile devices

165 Posts
richard25 posted this 24 July 2020


On the site below slider images are not displaying in mobile device browsers. They are displayed in the Themler Editor in Mobile display no problem.

WordPress 5.4.2
Themler 505


Hi On the site below slider images are not displaying in mobile device browsers. They are displayed in the Themler Editor in Mobile display no problem. WordPress 5.4.2 Themler 505 Cheers
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 July 2020

Hello Richard,

Slides are empty even in laptop mode:


Try disabling 3rd party extensions and clear cache. If the issue is still there, please, provide temporary access to the site.

Themler Support

Hello Richard, Slides are empty even in laptop mode: !Screenshot-1.png! Try disabling 3rd party extensions and clear cache. If the issue is still there, please, provide temporary access to the site. Gina Themler Support
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