Content - Themler Shortcodes plugin rename text instances startet with "[text"

164 Posts
matrix630307 posted this 22 December 2020

I have a form-component named "ConvertForms" in my joomla-installations.
Your Content-Themler Shortcodes plugin will made problem with the situation, that the plugin from you rename text instances startet with "text...".
When i made a field in the form-generator from ConvertForms, then the fieldname ist made with "text_" (for example "text_19"). Here a direct example:
ConvertForms made: <input type name id your plugin change this in:><input type name additional-class-947327936 bd-content-element">
<!--{content}--> <!--{/content}-->

With this change, the form not works.

Can you change here somethings?
Thank you for your help

Hi I have a form-component named "ConvertForms" in my joomla-installations. Your Content-Themler Shortcodes plugin will made problem with the situation, that the plugin from you rename text instances startet with "text...". When i made a field in the form-generator from ConvertForms, then the fieldname ist made with "text_" (for example "text_19"). Here a direct example: ConvertForms made: &lt;input type name id your plugin change this in:&gt;&lt;input type name additional-class-947327936 bd-content-element&quot;&gt; &lt;!--{content}--&gt; &lt;!--{/content}--&gt; With this change, the form not works. Can you change here somethings? Thank you for your help
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 January 2021


I apologize for the delay.

Unfortunately, the only option in this case is to either disable Themler shortcode plugin in Joomla admin or don't use convert forms. There is no setting that can be adjusted for those two plugin work together.

Themler Support

Hello, I apologize for the delay. Unfortunately, the only option in this case is to either disable Themler shortcode plugin in Joomla admin or don't use convert forms. There is no setting that can be adjusted for those two plugin work together. Gina Themler Support
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