Update Themler

Web-Art Creative Design
119 Posts
Web-Art Creative Design posted this 09 February 2021

We are with you from the beginning of December. We haven't noticed any update for Themler since then. None of our wish lists have been implemented in Themler? What's happening. After all, we pay for it ...

Hello. We are with you from the beginning of December. We haven't noticed any update for Themler since then. None of our wish lists have been implemented in Themler? What's happening. After all, we pay for it ...
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 February 2021


Themler updates include mostly support for coming CMS versions, Ecommerce plugins' or PHP versions, as well as issue fixes. The latest update was in October 2020.


Hello, Themler updates include mostly support for coming CMS versions, Ecommerce plugins' or PHP versions, as well as issue fixes. The latest update was in October 2020. Sincerely, Nettie
Web-Art Creative Design
119 Posts
Web-Art Creative Design posted this 09 February 2021

Exactly October ... And at least one option from users' wish lists has been added. Four months and silence have passed since October.

I think the Themler project was completely abandoned in development. A pity, a great pity

Exactly October ... And at least one option from users' wish lists has been added. Four months and silence have passed since October. I think the Themler project was completely abandoned in development. A pity, a great pity
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 February 2021


We suggest to evaluate our other product Nicepage at https://nicepage.com. Nicepage is actively developed and updates are issued often - from one to several times a month. New funcationality is added as well. If you like Nicepage, we can replace subscriptions for you.

Themler updates include mostly support for coming CMS versions, Ecommerce plugins' or PHP versions, as well as issue fixes, so they are issued not so often.


Hello, We suggest to evaluate our other product Nicepage at https://nicepage.com. Nicepage is actively developed and updates are issued often - from one to several times a month. New funcationality is added as well. If you like Nicepage, we can replace subscriptions for you. Themler updates include mostly support for coming CMS versions, Ecommerce plugins' or PHP versions, as well as issue fixes, so they are issued not so often. Sincerely, Nettie
Web-Art Creative Design
119 Posts
Web-Art Creative Design posted this 10 February 2021

I also purchased Nicepage. In fact, updates are frequent there, but it's not the same tool. Themler and Nicepage are 2 different tools. So they can't be an atlernative to each other ... I'm just surprised that you have abandoned Themler. As it is a very good tool, it only lacks new solutions and updates ....

I also purchased Nicepage. In fact, updates are frequent there, but it's not the same tool. Themler and Nicepage are 2 different tools. So they can't be an atlernative to each other ... I'm just surprised that you have abandoned Themler. As it is a very good tool, it only lacks new solutions and updates ....
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 February 2021


I see. Themler is and is going to be supported. But indeed, it is already really advanced and new features or options are unlikely to be often implemented here. Please feel free to ask if any questions appear in process.


Hello, I see. Themler is and is going to be supported. But indeed, it is already really advanced and new features or options are unlikely to be often implemented here. Please feel free to ask if any questions appear in process. Sincerely, Nettie
280 Posts
pdg.design posted this 11 February 2021

Joomla 4 will to be use bootstrap 5
What with Themler?
Thank you.

Hi! Joomla 4 will to be use bootstrap 5 What with Themler? Thank you.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 February 2021


We will do our best to support Joomla 4 when it is officially released. The details will be known when this version becomes Stable.


Hello, We will do our best to support Joomla 4 when it is officially released. The details will be known when this version becomes Stable. Sincerely, Nettie
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