Responsive menu only on home for my site

1 Posts
elizabeth.thrivedigital posted this 30 March 2021

Hi my site is and all the menus should be displayed on all pages but the thing is only on the main page the menu is displayed. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this problem?

Hi my site is and all the menus should be displayed on all pages but the thing is only on the main page the menu is displayed. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this problem?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 March 2021

Currently I can see responsive menu all all Pages, for example, on Services:


Is your request to hide it from other pages except Home?

Themler support

Hello, Currently I can see responsive menu all all Pages, for example, on Services: !Screenshot-1.png! Is your request to hide it from other pages except Home? Gina Themler support
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