Cannot use positional argument after named argument

56 Posts
info1139 posted this 19 September 2022


When going to the virtuemart category page in Joomla there is this error: 0 Cannot use positional argument after named argument

Joomla 3.10.11
PHP 8.0.x
Themler 559

How to solve?

Regards Michel

Hello, When going to the virtuemart category page in Joomla there is this error: 0 Cannot use positional argument after named argument Joomla 3.10.11 PHP 8.0.x Themler 559 How to solve? Regards Michel
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56 Posts
info1139 posted this 21 September 2022

It's in one of the template files in this directory: /html/com_virtuemart/category/ -> when renaming default.php or default_template.php the error is gone.

The same error for the productdetail page in this dir: /html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/

It's in one of the template files in this directory: /html/com_virtuemart/category/ -> when renaming default.php or default_template.php the error is gone. The same error for the productdetail page in this dir: /html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/
112 Posts
Виктор posted this 22 September 2022

Which version Virtuemart?

Which version Virtuemart?
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 22 September 2022

VM 4.0.4 and 4.0.6

VM 4.0.4 and 4.0.6
112 Posts
Виктор posted this 23 September 2022

Yes, I have a problem too virtuemart 4, there is a post about it.
Read more here

Yes, I have a problem too virtuemart 4, there is a post about it. [Read more here][1] [1]:
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 27 September 2022


Is there a solution yet? PHP 8 must be implemented before 28 Nov 2022, when PHP 7.4 is EOL.

Regards Michel

Hello, Is there a solution yet? PHP 8 must be implemented before 28 Nov 2022, when PHP 7.4 is EOL. Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 06 October 2022


Is there a solution yet? PHP 8 must be implemented before 28 Nov 2022, when PHP 7.4 is EOL.

Regards Michel

Hello, Is there a solution yet? PHP 8 must be implemented before 28 Nov 2022, when PHP 7.4 is EOL. Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 11 October 2022


Is there a solution yet? PHP 8 must be implemented before 28 Nov 2022, when PHP 7.4 is EOL.

Regards Michel

Hello, Is there a solution yet? PHP 8 must be implemented before 28 Nov 2022, when PHP 7.4 is EOL. Regards Michel
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 October 2022

Hello Michel,

Sorry for delay in response. Is the issue reproducible with PHP 7.4? Also - is it present if you temporary switch to a non-Themler theme?


Hello Michel, Sorry for delay in response. Is the issue reproducible with PHP 7.4? Also - is it present if you temporary switch to a non-Themler theme? Sincerely, Nettie
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 12 October 2022

Hello Nettie,

On PHP 7.4 there is no problem with Themler or on default Protostar Template.

Only Themler and PHP 8.x is a problem on the category view page and the product detail page.

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, On PHP 7.4 there is no problem with Themler or on default Protostar Template. Only Themler and PHP 8.x is a problem on the category view page and the product detail page. Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 21 October 2022

Hello Nettie,

Is there a solution yet? Over 1 month PHP 7.x is END OF LIFE!

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, Is there a solution yet? Over 1 month PHP 7.x is END OF LIFE! Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 02 November 2022

Hello Nettie,

Is there a solution yet? Over a few weeks PHP 7.x is END OF LIFE!

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, Is there a solution yet? Over a few weeks PHP 7.x is END OF LIFE! Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 09 November 2022

Hello Nettie,

Is there a solution yet? PHP 7.x is in 14 days END OF LIFE! And i need also time to rebuild the sites.

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, Is there a solution yet? PHP 7.x is in 14 days END OF LIFE! And i need also time to rebuild the sites. Regards Michel
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 November 2022


The fix for the issue will be included into the next update. We are sorry for temporary inconvenience.


Hello, The fix for the issue will be included into the next update. We are sorry for temporary inconvenience. Sincerely, Nettie
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 09 November 2022

Hello Nettie,

When is the new release expected?

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, When is the new release expected? Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 15 November 2022

Hello Nettie,

When is the new release expected?

And/or is there a manual update available to solve the issue (change this code in this file etc etc) in the meantime?

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, When is the new release expected? And/or is there a manual update available to solve the issue (change this code in this file etc etc) in the meantime? Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 23 November 2022

Hello Nettie,

When is the new release expected? PHP 7.x is END OF LIFE in a few days 28 nov 2022!!!!!!!!

And/or is there a manual update available to solve the issue (change this code in this file etc etc) in the meantime?

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, When is the new release expected? PHP 7.x is END OF LIFE in a few days 28 nov 2022!!!!!!!! And/or is there a manual update available to solve the issue (change this code in this file etc etc) in the meantime? Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 28 November 2022

Hello Nettie,

PHP 7.x is now END OF LIFE !!!!!!!!

So i have multiple sites on the not supported PHP 7 version and i can not do anything. This is not good!

When is the next release expected??? Soon!!!

And/or is there a manual update available to solve the issue (change this code in this file etc etc) in the meantime?

Regards Michel

Hello Nettie, PHP 7.x is now END OF LIFE !!!!!!!! So i have multiple sites on the not supported PHP 7 version and i can not do anything. This is not good! When is the next release expected??? Soon!!! And/or is there a manual update available to solve the issue (change this code in this file etc etc) in the meantime? Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 02 December 2022


Please give me an update!!!!

Regards Michel

Hello, Please give me an update!!!! Regards Michel
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 05 December 2022


Need a solution (manual workaround also good). My hoster, a big Dutch hoster, announced that they remove PHP 7 from the servers on 14 december. My sites will crash!!!

See announcement, it's in Dutch, but you can translate it to view in english.

Beste xxxx,

We zien dat jouw website nog gebruikmaakt van PHP 7.4. Zoals eerder gemeld bij het terugzetten naar die versie bereikt PHP 7.4 de einddatum op 28 november. Daarna worden er geen veiligheids-updates meer uitgebracht en wordt het voor ons te onveilig om die versie nog aan te bieden. Bij onze maandelijkse update op 14 december zullen we die versie dan ook verwijderen van onze servers, en zal je website ingesteld worden op PHP 8.0.

Wat nu te doen? Als je gebruikmaakt van een kant en klaar systeem, is het zaak deze te updaten naar een nieuwere versie. Bij voorkeur de nieuwste.

Als je website op maat geschreven code bevat, is het zaak om de PHP-foutmeldingen te tonen met behulp van de informatie op deze pagina: Loop daarna alle pagina's door en handel op basis van foutmeldingen. Je kunt ook de handleiding op gebruiken:

Als je nog vragen hebt over deze wijziging, of wilt dat we je website eerder al op PHP 8 instellen, neem dan gerust contact op met onze klantenservice.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Vevida, onderdeel van Yourhosting

Hello, Need a solution (manual workaround also good). My hoster, a big Dutch hoster, announced that they remove PHP 7 from the servers on 14 december. My sites will crash!!! See announcement, it's in Dutch, but you can translate it to view in english. Beste xxxx, We zien dat jouw website nog gebruikmaakt van PHP 7.4. Zoals eerder gemeld bij het terugzetten naar die versie bereikt PHP 7.4 de einddatum op 28 november. Daarna worden er geen veiligheids-updates meer uitgebracht en wordt het voor ons te onveilig om die versie nog aan te bieden. Bij onze maandelijkse update op 14 december zullen we die versie dan ook verwijderen van onze servers, en zal je website ingesteld worden op PHP 8.0. Wat nu te doen? Als je gebruikmaakt van een kant en klaar systeem, is het zaak deze te updaten naar een nieuwere versie. Bij voorkeur de nieuwste. Als je website op maat geschreven code bevat, is het zaak om de PHP-foutmeldingen te tonen met behulp van de informatie op deze pagina: Loop daarna alle pagina's door en handel op basis van foutmeldingen. Je kunt ook de handleiding op gebruiken: Als je nog vragen hebt over deze wijziging, of wilt dat we je website eerder al op PHP 8 instellen, neem dan gerust contact op met onze klantenservice. Met vriendelijke groet, Vevida, onderdeel van Yourhosting
56 Posts
info1139 posted this 18 December 2022

Themler, are you dead? You give me no other solution than to leave Themler. Show stopping bugs, no solutions, no workaround, no answers (beside, it's in the next release, WHEN???), now way to contact....and so on, and so on....and so on....
How can we build on the team behind Artisteer, Themler, Nicepage?? Artisteer is dead, Themler is dead...
Goodbye Themler, i loved you very much, but it's a shame, that Themler is leaving Themler, but forget it's customers....

Themler, are you dead? You give me no other solution than to leave Themler. Show stopping bugs, no solutions, no workaround, no answers (beside, it's in the next release, WHEN???), now way to contact....and so on, and so on....and so on.... How can we build on the team behind Artisteer, Themler, Nicepage?? Artisteer is dead, Themler is dead... Goodbye Themler, i loved you very much, but it's a shame, that Themler is leaving Themler, but forget it's customers....
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