Trying to use Themler for Wordpress

49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 19 October 2022


I tried using the online Themler on Firefox and this error message popped up. I have tried clearing the cache but it doesn't help.

Hi, I tried using the online Themler on Firefox and this error message popped up. I have tried clearing the cache but it doesn't help.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 October 2022


Is it an old theme? The fact is that the issue is fixed for several months, all you need is open the theme in Chrome, update it, clear browser cache in Firefox and run Themer in Firefox after this. This should help.


Hello, Is it an old theme? The fact is that the issue is fixed for several months, all you need is open the theme in Chrome, update it, clear browser cache in Firefox and run Themer in Firefox after this. This should help. Sincerely, Nettie
49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 20 October 2022


I did what you said and could use Themler on Chrome but not on Firefox. I emptied the cache several times and upgraded and renewed Themler but nothing works in Firefox. I should not be forced to use Chrome when I want to use Firefox and I have paid for the upgrade. What is wrong with the plugin anyway???? :-/

Hi, I did what you said and could use Themler on Chrome but not on Firefox. I emptied the cache several times and upgraded and renewed Themler but nothing works in Firefox. I should not be forced to use Chrome when I want to use Firefox and I have paid for the upgrade. What is wrong with the plugin anyway???? :-/
Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 October 2022


You have updated Themler theme to the latest v.559, right? The cache should be cleared in Firefox, but I assume that is whay you have already done.


Hello, You have updated Themler theme to the latest v.559, right? The cache should be cleared in Firefox, but I assume that is whay you have already done. Sincerely, Nettie
49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 24 October 2022


I can update and open Themler in Chrome but I can't do that on Firefox even after emptying the cache. It says it only works on Chrome, Firefox and Safari but it doesn't work in Firefox and I want to use it on Firefox.

Hi, I can update and open Themler in Chrome but I can't do that on Firefox even after emptying the cache. It says it only works on Chrome, Firefox and Safari but it doesn't work in Firefox and I want to use it on Firefox.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 October 2022


You shouldn't update the theme in Firefox. It's enough to do it in Chrome. Please make sure it is v.559. Then please just try opening and editing the theme in the latest Firefox.


Hello, You shouldn't update the theme in Firefox. It's enough to do it in Chrome. Please make sure it is v.559. Then please just try opening and editing the theme in the latest Firefox. Sincerely, Nettie
49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 25 October 2022


Themler is of the latest version in Chrome but it still doesn't work in Firefox. Why don't you have an independent app outside of the CMS?

Hi, Themler is of the latest version in Chrome but it still doesn't work in Firefox. Why don't you have an independent app outside of the CMS?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 October 2022


We are sorry for the issue but unfortunately, we cannot reproduce it. It has indeed been present previously in Firefox, but was fixed since that time, and several latest updates include the fix. Themler should work fine now both in Firefox and in Chrome. Do you by chance use Firefox developer edition or Incognito mode? Or possibly any browser add-ons?


Hello, We are sorry for the issue but unfortunately, we cannot reproduce it. It has indeed been present previously in Firefox, but was fixed since that time, and several latest updates include the fix. Themler should work fine now both in Firefox and in Chrome. Do you by chance use Firefox developer edition or Incognito mode? Or possibly any browser add-ons? Sincerely, Nettie
49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 26 October 2022


The only add-on I have is Colorzilla. I am using the ordinary Firefox.

Hi, The only add-on I have is Colorzilla. I am using the ordinary Firefox.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 October 2022


Looks like you are tryong to run Themler desktop on Firefox. I assumed, it was Themler on your website. Please try the following on Themler desktop:
1) close Themler
2) open Windows Explorer and type %LocalAppData% in the address bar
3) find & rename Themler directory
4) start Themler again
5) Run the theme in Firefox

Let us know the result.


Hello, Looks like you are tryong to run Themler desktop on Firefox. I assumed, it was Themler on your website. Please try the following on Themler desktop: 1) close Themler 2) open Windows Explorer and type %LocalAppData% in the address bar 3) find & rename Themler directory 4) start Themler again 5) Run the theme in Firefox Let us know the result. Sincerely, Nettie
49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 26 October 2022


It worked for Wordpress but not for Joomla in Firefox.

Hi, It worked for Wordpress but not for Joomla in Firefox.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 October 2022


Could you please try to rename the following folder into joomla-old and try to run Themler once again:


In the previous /joomla folder there will be folders with your existing themes, please zip-compress them one-by-one and import in Themler. Then update each theme to v.559 and save.

Then clear cache in Firefox and try to open the theme in Firefox.


Hi, Could you please try to rename the following folder into **joomla-old** and try to run Themler once again: C:\ProgramData\Themler\hd_data\themler_xxxxxxxxx\joomla In the previous /joomla folder there will be folders with your existing themes, please zip-compress them one-by-one and import in Themler. Then update each theme to v.559 and save. Then clear cache in Firefox and try to open the theme in Firefox. Sincerely, Nettie
49 Posts
cynthia4 posted this 26 October 2022

I tried it but it didn't work. Should I go into that formerly Joomla folder and zip all themes. Where do I import them if I cannot start Themler in Firefox?

I tried it but it didn't work. Should I go into that formerly Joomla folder and zip all themes. Where do I import them if I cannot start Themler in Firefox?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 October 2022


Should I go into that formerly Joomla folder and zip all themes.

Yes, but first please zip-compress one theme and try with it.

First please run Themler desktop in a regular way. After you select Themler for Joomla, you can either import theme zip right away, or open a new theme and then File >> Import Zip. After this please update the theme to v.559. For these first steps please use the default way (Themler desktop uses its Chrome installation to edit the themes).
After the theme is imported and updated, close Themler, re-open and try running this theme in Firefox.


Hello, >>Should I go into that formerly Joomla folder and zip all themes. Yes, but first please zip-compress one theme and try with it. First please run Themler desktop in a regular way. After you select Themler for Joomla, you can either import theme zip right away, or open a new theme and then File >> Import Zip. After this please update the theme to v.559. For these first steps please use the default way (Themler desktop uses its Chrome installation to edit the themes). After the theme is imported and updated, close Themler, re-open and try running this theme in Firefox. Sincerely, Nettie
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