Themler Shopware 5 support?

1 Posts
r.jung posted this 21 September 2015


i want to ask if you plan support for Shopware 5 in Themler.
Shopware ist one of the most used german Shop-CMS and some of the price-winning shops based on Shopware.
If you plan to support Shopware, it could be the no.1 tool used by webdesigners (if they use a tool for designing cms-templates).

Hey, i want to ask if you plan support for Shopware 5 in Themler. Shopware ist one of the most used german Shop-CMS and some of the price-winning shops based on Shopware. If you plan to support Shopware, it could be the no.1 tool used by webdesigners (if they use a tool for designing cms-templates).
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 September 2015


We do not have plans to support Shopware 5 now.


Hi, We do not have plans to support Shopware 5 now. Sincerely, Hella
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