Themler-code slows down website

221 Posts
Seppe posted this 28 September 2015

Good morning

Artisteer was a disaster voor CSS-code on Joomla-websites.
On multiple websites you could hear the complaints, because it has to much css-code.
Loadtime of a website was more or less 6 seconds.

We hoped Themler would do better, but for some reason, it has the same problems
When opening a website with a Themler-theme, it would tae us seconds before something shows up

any future plans to optimize the code?

Good morning Artisteer was a disaster voor CSS-code on Joomla-websites. On multiple websites you could hear the complaints, because it has to much css-code. Loadtime of a website was more or less 6 seconds. We hoped Themler would do better, but for some reason, it has the same problems When opening a website with a Themler-theme, it would tae us seconds before something shows up any future plans to optimize the code?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 September 2015

Hello Seppe,
please provide link to your site so we could see the issue.


Hello Seppe, please provide link to your site so we could see the issue. Regards, Aileen
221 Posts
Seppe posted this 06 October 2015

Good eveing Aileen



Good eveing Aileen Link: greetings Seppe
Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 October 2015

Hello Seppe,
I checked your site and all pages are loaded pretty fine, it takes 1-3 seconds to load the page. Themler theme loads several .css and .js files necessary to make the theme working. However they all loadede without a problem and it's not too much.
I'd recommend that you try developer tool (like FireBug in FireFox) and check the page load time, as well as loading time of separate elements (.css, .js files, images, requests), e.g.

It helps you to understand what exactly is loading too slow on the page.


Hello Seppe, I checked your site and all pages are loaded pretty fine, it takes 1-3 seconds to load the page. Themler theme loads several .css and .js files necessary to make the theme working. However they all loadede without a problem and it's not too much. I'd recommend that you try developer tool (like FireBug in FireFox) and check the page load time, as well as loading time of separate elements (.css, .js files, images, requests), e.g. It helps you to understand what exactly is loading too slow on the page. Regards, Aileen
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