Prestashop add hook like displayNav

52 Posts
MrGreen posted this 12 October 2015


the hook displayNav is used by many modules...

How to add it on themler please ?


Hello, the hook displayNav is used by many modules... How to add it on themler please ? Regards
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52 Posts
MrGreen posted this 13 October 2015

On the default website, there is a module call blockcontact and blockuserinfos
this modules can only be display on displayNav and not on the displayNavigationBar

Themler don't have the displayNav when create template.

how to implement ?

On the default website, there is a module call blockcontact and blockuserinfos this modules can only be display on displayNav and not on the displayNavigationBar Themler don't have the displayNav when create template. how to implement ?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 October 2015


The Block user info is displayed in the Hook Top Column and the Block contact infos is in Hook Footer. Both these controls cam be added via Insert >> Other.

BillionDigital team

Hello, The Block user info is displayed in the Hook Top Column and the Block contact infos is in Hook Footer. Both these controls cam be added via Insert >> Other. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital team
52 Posts
MrGreen posted this 13 October 2015

I don't see these module in menu Insert -> other ..?? what is there name?

And my firt question was about the displayNav position who are not on the template created by themler.

You can add this position ? this hook ?


I don't see these module in menu Insert -> other ..?? what is there name? And my firt question was about the displayNav position who are not on the template created by themler. You can add this position ? this hook ? regards
Support Team posted this 16 October 2015


Sorry for the delay.
I've discussed this issue with our developers and they decided to add this hook to the theme in the future Themler updates. Most probably it will be added into the next major Themler update.

Thank you,

Hi, Sorry for the delay. I've discussed this issue with our developers and they decided to add this hook to the theme in the future Themler updates. Most probably it will be added into the next **major** Themler update. Thank you, Olivia
52 Posts
MrGreen posted this 16 October 2015

Ok thanks fo all

Ok thanks fo all
Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 October 2015

You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion.


You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion. Sincerely, Hella
8 Posts
conlusetec posted this 22 December 2015


I have the same problem...

When do you think this feature will be avaliable on Themler? I really need this for a website.


Hello, I have the same problem... When do you think this feature will be avaliable on Themler? I really need this for a website. Regards

Last edited 22 December 2015 by conlusetec

Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 December 2015


It should be available in the next major update that is coming soon. Please follow the news for the updates.


Hi, It should be available in the next major update that is coming soon. Please follow the news for the updates. Sincerely, Hella
9 Posts
m_jarhy posted this 09 March 2016

i have the same problem but with different positions names like displaybottom3 .displayproductadd and other so how can we solve this problem ,why you can't make the hook names changeable?

i have the same problem but with different positions names like displaybottom3 .displayproductadd and other so how can we solve this problem ,why you can't make the hook names changeable?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 14 March 2016

Hi m_jarhy,

Sorry for the delay.
Could you please explain in some details what issue you're referring to?
As I can see default PS theme does not have listed hooks too: displaybottom3 and displayproductadd.
If your module adds custom hook and you need to add this hook to the theme you can use CMS Code control (Insert tab >> More) where you can add regular code for outputting PS hooks.

Thank you,

Hi m_jarhy, Sorry for the delay. Could you please explain in some details what issue you're referring to? As I can see default PS theme does not have listed hooks too: displaybottom3 and displayproductadd. If your module adds custom hook and you need to add this hook to the theme you can use CMS Code control (Insert tab >> More) where you can add regular code for outputting PS hooks. Thank you, Olivia
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