Wordpress - page containing posts in a grid has 10 posts and then paginates. How do I set it to 8 posts?

2 Posts
david120 posted this 22 October 2015

I can set up the template and get it working with rows of 4 posts. But it defaults to 10 posts. so on the page I get two rows of 4 and then a row of 2 before the pagination below.

How can I set the number of posts displayed?


I can set up the template and get it working with rows of 4 posts. But it defaults to 10 posts. so on the page I get two rows of 4 and then a row of 2 before the pagination below. How can I set the number of posts displayed? Thanks,
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 October 2015


The number of posts on the Blog page can be controlled from WordPress administration >> Settings >> Reading >> "Blog pages show at most".


Hi, The number of posts on the Blog page can be controlled from WordPress administration >> Settings >> Reading >> "Blog pages show at most". Sincerely, Hella
2 Posts
david120 posted this 22 October 2015

That's great - many thanks.

That's great - many thanks.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 October 2015

You are welcome.


You are welcome. Sincerely, Hella
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