Does the CSS go back to IE8? If no, what can we do?
Kind regards
Does the CSS go back to IE8? If no, what can we do? Kind regards NickDoes the CSS go back to IE8? If no, what can we do?
Kind regards
Does the CSS go back to IE8? If no, what can we do? Kind regards NickHi,
Themler creates modern themes that do use HTML5 and CSS3. Old browsers can not render the new styles and that is the reason why themes may look a bit different in the old browsers.
You can try adding some custom code to make some elements look better in old IE.
Bootstrap 3 has a html-shiv included isn' it? Is this also included in Themler because it also uses bootstrap 3?
And respond.js for your media queries from bootstrap?
What's included from bootstrap for older browsers?
Kind regards
Nick Thieuw
Bootstrap 3 has a html-shiv included isn' it? Is this also included in Themler because it also uses bootstrap 3? And respond.js for your media queries from bootstrap? What's included from bootstrap for older browsers? Kind regards Nick ThieuwLast edited 09 December 2015 by nick.thieuw
Hello Nick,
HTML Shiv is not used in Themler themes and they're not supported by IE 8 and older browsers.
May be it's something to consider for the next versions of Themler. Because for professionals it's a must that there websites works on older browsers to. And I like Themler it's a damn good system. It's faster then writing the code for a website yourself an better then dreamweaver. So please, think about my advice.
Kind regards
Nick Thieuw
May be it's something to consider for the next versions of Themler. Because for professionals it's a must that there websites works on older browsers to. And I like Themler it's a damn good system. It's faster then writing the code for a website yourself an better then dreamweaver. So please, think about my advice. Kind regards Nick ThieuwHi,
You can create a topic with such suggestion so other users could vote and that will make our developers pay attantion to this suggestio.
For now we do not have plans to support old IE versions.
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