Hi , I just wrote what I think about the content editing, and I will gladly write what are my thought about the templating editing.
First of all, any additional presets for sections of pages, posts, and etc, would be great, it is always good to have a large library of items.
Second, i think that the templates can be expanded to use some more elements from themler, like the hoverbox for instance. currently there are no sections with hoverboxes, and although there are some animations, i think if there would be more sections with animations it can be a great addition.
Also, If I may propose, I really think themler should add some more basic UI elements, and this can be put inside some new and interesting sections.
for instance, please add the accordion, tabs, and modal elements, which are already in the code of bootstrap, you only need to add them as a control... this is a must in my opinion, because than you can for instance add presest of great combinations of elements, like a section of tabs + slider, or FAQ's with accordion, and things like this.
I think that adding the modal element will be great, a lot of users and customers i work with need this , and it gives an overall more professional touch to the site. ofcourse i can add through html control , but themler has most of this already built in, it would be so great if we could use it inside..
Also, about the templating system. It would help begginers and novice users of themler to see the potential and greatness of you software , so it would be a wise decision to add more of them. I saw you wrote that if we see some cool web patterns to send you and you will perhaps add them. I will check some out and send you.
Other than that, i must say that Themler is maturing and becoming my #1 software for all of my sites, HTML or CMS......... there are always things that can be done and added, but it is important that you know that your work on this software is amazing and is the best thing i know of !!!!
don't ever forget it :)
Thanks again and I hope i helped in something..
Hi , I just wrote what I think about the content editing, and I will gladly write what are my thought about the templating editing.
First of all, any additional presets for sections of pages, posts, and etc, would be great, it is always good to have a large library of items.
Second, i think that the templates can be expanded to use some more elements from themler, like the hoverbox for instance. currently there are no sections with hoverboxes, and although there are some animations, i think if there would be more sections with animations it can be a great addition.
Also, If I may propose, I really think themler should add some more basic UI elements, and this can be put inside some new and interesting sections.
for instance, please add the accordion, tabs, and modal elements, which are already in the code of bootstrap, you only need to add them as a control... this is a must in my opinion, because than you can for instance add presest of great combinations of elements, like a section of tabs + slider, or FAQ's with accordion, and things like this.
I think that adding the modal element will be great, a lot of users and customers i work with need this , and it gives an overall more professional touch to the site. ofcourse i can add through html control , but themler has most of this already built in, it would be so great if we could use it inside..
Also, about the templating system. It would help begginers and novice users of themler to see the potential and greatness of you software , so it would be a wise decision to add more of them. I saw you wrote that if we see some cool web patterns to send you and you will perhaps add them. I will check some out and send you.
Other than that, i must say that Themler is maturing and becoming my #1 software for all of my sites, HTML or CMS......... there are always things that can be done and added, but it is important that you know that your work on this software is amazing and is the best thing i know of !!!!
don't ever forget it :)
Thanks again and I hope i helped in something..