The Themler's ability of multi languages

4 Posts
bah9mh posted this 16 April 2016

I want to design a multi languages joomla template that have
English and Arabic pages,both of them;
if Themler have that ability of multi languages?
If not what should I do for it?


Hello, I want to design a multi languages joomla template that have English and Arabic pages,both of them; if Themler have that ability of multi languages? If not what should I do for it? Thanks,
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 17 April 2016


You can create two themes, one with RTL support and assig them to the specific pages in Joomla or use some plug-in that will switch templates depending on the language used.


Hi, You can create two themes, one with RTL support and assig them to the specific pages in Joomla or use some plug-in that will switch templates depending on the language used. Sincerely, Hella
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