Image in Post Header

25 Posts
loppini posted this 28 April 2016

it is possibile (and how) to insert an image (or an icon) in the post header or in the Page title? Not like a background, but on the left of the text...

Hello, it is possibile (and how) to insert an image (or an icon) in the post header or in the Page title? Not like a background, but on the left of the text...
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 April 2016


If you mean icons for metadata like Post Print, Post Edit etc., just add these icons to Post Header via Posts tab >> Add Control.
In case you would like to add simple images, just add a container like column and orgnize controls inside it to show the image as you like.
The same for the Page Title. You may put it into Columns, and in the columns on the left an Image can be placed.

BillionDigital Team

Hello, If you mean icons for metadata like Post Print, Post Edit etc., just add these icons to Post Header via Posts tab >> Add Control. In case you would like to add simple images, just add a container like column and orgnize controls inside it to show the image as you like. The same for the Page Title. You may put it into Columns, and in the columns on the left an Image can be placed. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
25 Posts
loppini posted this 28 April 2016

I want to do what you see in the image attached , near the script "Tutoring per bambini..."
For every Post Header in the site....

I want to do what you see in the image attached , near the script "Tutoring per bambini..." For every Post Header in the site....
Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 April 2016


Upload the background image to the post header, then set it to not repeat and be positioned in the left center. Then also set the padding for the post header on the left side so it won't cover the icon.


Hi, Upload the background image to the post header, then set it to not repeat and be positioned in the left center. Then also set the padding for the post header on the left side so it won't cover the icon. Sincerely, Hella
25 Posts
loppini posted this 03 May 2016

It works! thanks!

It works! thanks!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 May 2016

You are welcome! Please feel free to contact us in any other case.

BillionDigital Team

You are welcome! Please feel free to contact us in any other case. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
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