Edit in Themler in Post

111 Posts
webmaster@exnet.gr posted this 23 June 2016

Hello, after last updates in themler there is new button in posts: "Edit in Themler" (http://joxi.ru/vAWXL6DSkNVyNr), i would like to not have this button for the authors of my sites. How can i disable this option for a particular role in my sites?

Thank you in advance.

Hello, after last updates in themler there is new button in posts: "Edit in Themler" (http://joxi.ru/vAWXL6DSkNVyNr), i would like to not have this button for the authors of my sites. How can i disable this option for a particular role in my sites? Thank you in advance.
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1 Posts
jessikmarko posted this 3 days ago

I love how the game allows kids to explore different roles and careers - it's a great way to introduce them to new possibilities.

I love how the [game][1] allows kids to explore different roles and careers - it's a great way to introduce them to new possibilities. [1]: https://tocaapkboca.com
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