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5 Posts
NECS posted this 12 July 2016

Failing to logon or change password

Failing to logon or change password
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 July 2016


What error message do you see?


Hi, What error message do you see? Sincerely, Hella
5 Posts
NECS posted this 12 July 2016

Hi Hella

There is a wordpress login form, I have tried all the user names and passwords and even request for change of password or username but cannot get access to my Themler installation on the desktop

Hi Hella There is a wordpress login form, I have tried all the user names and passwords and even request for change of password or username but cannot get access to my Themler installation on the desktop
Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 July 2016

You mean that you need to log into the WP back end in your application? Use admin/admin credentials.


You mean that you need to log into the WP back end in your application? Use admin/admin credentials. Sincerely, Hella
5 Posts
NECS posted this 12 July 2016

Worked well. thanks

Worked well. thanks
Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 July 2016

You are welcome.
Feel free to contact us in any other occasion.


You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion. Sincerely, Hella
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