my site scrolls to fast

32 Posts
butterfly_webdesign posted this 25 July 2016

Hello, ive got a problem on my themler based joomla site. In windows with firefox etc. it is all ok but with my macbook or my surface the site is scrolling to fast.

I dont know why.

Any help?? Please!


Hello, ive got a problem on my themler based joomla site. In windows with firefox etc. it is all ok but with my macbook or my surface the site is scrolling to fast. I dont know why. Any help?? Please! Site:
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 July 2016


Theme does not control the scroll speed, that would be rather OS settings.


Hi, Theme does not control the scroll speed, that would be rather OS settings. Sincerely, Hella
32 Posts
butterfly_webdesign posted this 25 July 2016

So that can not be real... please try to scroll my website on an mac os or on an tablet...

So that can not be real... please try to scroll my website on an mac os or on an tablet...
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 July 2016


I have possibility to test it on iPhone only and that scrolls normally. Have you tested on several different devices?


Hi, I have possibility to test it on iPhone only and that scrolls normally. Have you tested on several different devices? Sincerely, Hella
32 Posts
butterfly_webdesign posted this 02 August 2016

So ive tested on my new imac and its the same problem ... all sites scorlls normal but my site scrolls to fast. I try diffrent browsers but its scrolls that much fast on each browser on my imac, my surface and my ipad. Just on my Windows Computers it scrolls normal speed.

What can that be it???

Need help"!!!!!!!

So ive tested on my new imac and its the same problem ... all sites scorlls normal but my site scrolls to fast. I try diffrent browsers but its scrolls that much fast on each browser on my imac, my surface and my ipad. Just on my Windows Computers it scrolls normal speed. What can that be it??? Need help"!!!!!!!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 August 2016


Can you please try to disable parallax effect for image in section on top of your page? Is this fix a problem?

Thank you,
Themler Team

Hi, Can you please try to disable parallax effect for image in section on top of your page? Is this fix a problem? Thank you, Themler Team
34 Posts
JakeBakerClam posted this 12 January 2017

@butterfly_webdesign I have the same problem with one of my sites. Can't figure out what is making is speed scroll. Did you find a solution?

@butterfly_webdesign I have the same problem with one of my sites. Can't figure out what is making is speed scroll. Did you find a solution?
32 Posts
butterfly_webdesign posted this 13 January 2017

Sorry i didn´t find a solution, i still change the backgrounds to fixed (no paralax) after that its scrolls normaly on all platforms.

Sorry i didn´t find a solution, i still change the backgrounds to fixed (no paralax) after that its scrolls normaly on all platforms.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 January 2017


The problem is a bit strange and looks like Safari activates the kinetic scroll right after the image with the parallax effect goes out of the screen.


Hi, The problem is a bit strange and looks like Safari activates the kinetic scroll right after the image with the parallax effect goes out of the screen. Sincerely, Hella
3 Posts
za-internet posted this 08 January 2018


I have the same problem too - we don't use Parallax. The speed of the scrolling on Windows Firefox, Explorer and Chrome ist ok. The Scroll an Mac with Chrome is ok.

BUT, the scrollspeed on Mac with safarie and firefox is way too fast. Is there any solution? To change the about:config seems the wrong way, because other sites will be scrolling too slow!

Please help.


Thank you.


Hello, I have the same problem too - we don't use Parallax. The speed of the scrolling on Windows Firefox, Explorer and Chrome ist ok. The Scroll an Mac with Chrome is ok. BUT, the scrollspeed on Mac with safarie and firefox is way too fast. Is there any solution? To change the about:config seems the wrong way, because other sites will be scrolling too slow! Please help. Site: Thank you. Peter
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 January 2018


Thanks for contacting us. This is a known issue that happens with Smooth Wheel enabled and it is under investigation. We will let you know as soon as there are any news.

BillionDigital Team

Hello, Thanks for contacting us. This is a known issue that happens with Smooth Wheel enabled and it is under investigation. We will let you know as soon as there are any news. Sincerely, Nettie, BillionDigital Team
1 Posts
sebastian.swande posted this 09 January 2019


Is this solved? I have the same problem still.

Hi, Is this solved? I have the same problem still.
3 Posts
yolaqr posted this 28 February 2019

I had the same problem with my iMac and Firefox and I solved as follows:
In the themler editor, I went to: Home -> Settings -> Smooth Wheel and I noticed it was deactivated.
So, I activate it and went to its settings -> Browsers, and I deactivate all the options (Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Webkit) as I couldn't check how it will work on Internet Explorer.

Tenía el mismo problema en mi iMac con Firefox y lo resolví de la siguiente manera:
En el editor de Themler, fui a Home -> Settings -> Smooth Wheel, que creía estaría activado, pero no lo estaba. Por tanto decidí activarlo y luego desactivarlo individualmente para cada navegador, entrando en el settings del Smooth Wheel -> Browsers. Desactivé todos los navegadores porque no podía comprobar el funcionamiento en Internet Explorer ya que no lo tengo instalado y por tanto no sé si lo haría bien o no.

I had the same problem with my iMac and Firefox and I solved as follows: In the themler editor, I went to: Home -> Settings -> Smooth Wheel and I noticed it was deactivated. So, I activate it and went to its settings -> Browsers, and I deactivate all the options (Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Webkit) as I couldn't check how it will work on Internet Explorer. Tenía el mismo problema en mi iMac con Firefox y lo resolví de la siguiente manera: En el editor de Themler, fui a Home -> Settings -> Smooth Wheel, que creía estaría activado, pero no lo estaba. Por tanto decidí activarlo y luego desactivarlo individualmente para cada navegador, entrando en el settings del Smooth Wheel -> Browsers. Desactivé todos los navegadores porque no podía comprobar el funcionamiento en Internet Explorer ya que no lo tengo instalado y por tanto no sé si lo haría bien o no.
34 Posts
JakeBakerClam posted this 28 December 2019

I had the same problem.
I found my header background image was set as Parallax, turned that off, and normal scrolling returned.

I had the same problem. I found my header background image was set as Parallax, turned that off, and normal scrolling returned.
62 Posts
Pulswerk posted this 28 April 2021

I am suffering the same problem with all of my sites using Themler themes. It scrools too fast (tested on latest version of FireFox).

I noticed that it only happens if either Smooth Scrolling is enabled or if I am using a Parallax Scroller on the same page. Without them it scrolls normal.

You can test it here:

Parallax scroller: (too fast)
No Parallax scroller: (works fine)

I am suffering the same problem with all of my sites using Themler themes. It scrools too fast (tested on latest version of FireFox). I noticed that it only happens if either **Smooth Scrolling** is enabled or if I am using a **Parallax Scroller** on the same page. Without them it scrolls normal. You can test it here: Parallax scroller: (too fast) No Parallax scroller: (works fine)
Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 April 2021


Our developers are working at the issue. Thanks for additional details.
We are sorry for temporary inconvenience.


Hello, Our developers are working at the issue. Thanks for additional details. We are sorry for temporary inconvenience. Sincerely, Nettie
16 Posts
reiner6 posted this 30 April 2021

@dg24 @all

wie deaktiviere ich den Parallax Scroller in einer bestehenden Wordpress Seite über FTP?

Vielen Dank


how do I deactivate the Parallax Scroller in an existing Wordpress site via FTP?

Many Thanks

@dg24 @all wie deaktiviere ich den Parallax Scroller in einer bestehenden Wordpress Seite über FTP? Vielen Dank Reiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------ how do I deactivate the Parallax Scroller in an existing Wordpress site via FTP? Many Thanks

Last edited 30 April 2021 by reiner6

Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 April 2021


We posted it in the initial topic but also duplicate it here:

If the site was exported without Themler editor, please try to comment out the classes containing "smoothscroll" with /* */, for example,

/*.bd-smoothscroll-3 {
  position: fixed;
  left: auto;
  right: 10.014%;
  top: 81.441%;
  bottom: auto;
  z-index: 9999;

They are located either in style.css for Wordpress or in template.css file in Joomla.
We are sorry for temporary incovenience.


Hello, We posted it in the initial topic but also duplicate it here: If the site was exported without Themler editor, please try to comment out the classes containing "smoothscroll" with `/* */`, for example, /*.bd-smoothscroll-3 { position: fixed; left: auto; right: 10.014%; top: 81.441%; bottom: auto; z-index: 9999; } */ They are located either in style.css for Wordpress or in template.css file in Joomla. We are sorry for temporary incovenience. Sincerely, Nettie
16 Posts
reiner6 posted this 30 April 2021

Hello Nettie,

With "smoothscroll" with /* */ just my arrow that leads to the header has disappeared.
The problem with scrolling too fast still exists.


Hello Nettie, With "smoothscroll" with /* */ just my arrow that leads to the header has disappeared. The problem with scrolling too fast still exists. Sincerely, Reiner
161 Posts
stryjek-www posted this 04 May 2021

mam ten sam problem, na chromie strona działa ok ale na firefox za szybko się przewija

mam ten sam problem, na chromie strona działa ok ale na firefox za szybko się przewija
Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 May 2021


Unfortunately, the only workaround at the moment is to disable Smooth Scroll for Firefox in Themler Home tab >> Settings. Possibly, the matter will be changed in future Firefox updates.


Hello, Unfortunately, the only workaround at the moment is to disable Smooth Scroll for Firefox in Themler Home tab >> Settings. Possibly, the matter will be changed in future Firefox updates. Sincerely, Nettie
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