Menu Just like mobile

2 Posts
DonnaLee posted this 07 August 2016

How can I create the same menu as in your site The way it looks and opens in mobile. The menu is on the right and then when you open it. It shows up on the left.

Thank you

How can I create the same menu as in your site The way it looks and opens in mobile. The menu is on the right and then when you open it. It shows up on the left. Thank you
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 August 2016

You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion.


You are welcome. Feel free to contact us in any other occasion. Sincerely, Hella
2 Posts
DonnaLee posted this 08 August 2016

Thank you for your fast response. It worked. :)

Thank you for your fast response. It worked. :)
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 August 2016


The menu should have the button floating to the right and menu items floating to the left. If that does not help, please attach your theme to the ticket so we could review the settings. Theme should include the editor when exporting.


Hi, The menu should have the button floating to the right and menu items floating to the left. If that does not help, please attach your theme to the ticket so we could review the settings. Theme should include the editor when exporting. Sincerely, Hella
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