create sections

Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 12 August 2016

How to save a sections for future use? Or publish it in library?
How insert a copy of section in another page?


How to save a sections for future use? Or publish it in library? How insert a copy of section in another page? Thanks Andrea
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447 Posts
shaulhadar posted this 13 August 2016

Hi Andrea, the best way is it create you section and than export it and save it in a folder, and if you ever need it again, just create a new section, load from zip and you will have the saved section...if you need any more help i will be happy to help.

Hi Andrea, the best way is it create you section and than export it and save it in a folder, and if you ever need it again, just create a new section, load from zip and you will have the saved section...if you need any more help i will be happy to help.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 August 2016


And if you need to copy it on another template, just press copy for the section and then Paste on another template.
To add it in another theme use the suggestions above.


Hi, And if you need to copy it on another template, just press copy for the section and then Paste on another template. To add it in another theme use the suggestions above. Sincerely, Hella
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 13 August 2016


And if you need to copy it on another template, just press copy for the section and then Paste on another template.
To add it in another theme use the suggestions above.


is not possible to save in library?

> Hi, > > And if you need to copy it on another template, just press copy for the section and then Paste on another template. > To add it in another theme use the suggestions above. > > Sincerely, > Hella is not possible to save in library? Andrea
Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 August 2016


You mean the online library of sections? No, there is no such possibility. You can export the section n your computer and then import inside Themler.


Hi, You mean the online library of sections? No, there is no such possibility. You can export the section n your computer and then import inside Themler. Sincerely, Hella
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 15 August 2016

If export section themler ask me for a name but not save .zip file
if export a theme .zip file was saved but it not import from sections (Import as a Zip)
If i work with 2 instances of themler and copy a section from one, paste to another don't work
Help me

Problem: If export section themler ask me for a name but not save .zip file if export a theme .zip file was saved but it not import from sections (Import as a Zip) If i work with 2 instances of themler and copy a section from one, paste to another don't work Help me Andrea
Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 August 2016


What error do you see when trying to save the section?
The exported theme can not be imported as the section as it is a theme and not a section.
Copying sections between different Themler windows won't work as well, it works only within one theme.


Hi, What error do you see when trying to save the section? The exported theme can not be imported as the section as it is a theme and not a section. Copying sections between different Themler windows won't work as well, it works only within one theme. Sincerely, Hella
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 15 August 2016

No error found, simply after ask for a name and folder chioce, popup window close but file not created

No error found, simply after ask for a name and folder chioce, popup window close but file not created
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 15 August 2016

PS: i am a MAC user

PS: i am a MAC user :D
Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 August 2016


It probably saves it in the default location for the downloads. Please search in the default folder for the downloads.


Hi, It probably saves it in the default location for the downloads. Please search in the default folder for the downloads. Sincerely, Hella
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 16 August 2016

no, not found
any setting of system possibly conflict with them?

no, not found any setting of system possibly conflict with them?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 17 August 2016

Hello Andrea,
have you tried to search on files system via file name?
May be it is stored in unusual folder.


Hello Andrea, have you tried to search on files system via file name? May be it is stored in unusual folder. regards, Aileen
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 17 August 2016

i searched in entire disk but not found it.
When save a section, a prompt ask a name and a title section was prefilled in: i click ok and then system filename prompt open with name "Unknow".
I select a folder (new or existent), i put a new filename or leave Unknow and click "save". Prompt close but nothing.
File was not created, anywhere
Installation damaged?
I have mamp system installed, possibly conflict?

i searched in entire disk but not found it. When save a section, a prompt ask a name and a title section was prefilled in: i click ok and then system filename prompt open with name "Unknow". I select a folder (new or existent), i put a new filename or leave Unknow and click "save". Prompt close but nothing. File was not created, anywhere Installation damaged? I have mamp system installed, possibly conflict? Andrea
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 18 August 2016

I have installed new version of themler (existent is 119: not update automatically?) and result is:
- application not open because author not aothorized developper (current config is "Mac app store and authorized devs."
- if simply authorize app in security center it not open ( a loop for opens and request authorization )
- modify authorization app in anywhere and then themler open
- open my project for custom section
- select section to save and click "Export"
- prompt for a title appear and click ok
- system prompt for a filename appear and put a name and click save
- System Notification Popup appear with a message: ERROR: Unable to save file

The same situation is on re config security control app on "Mac app store and authorized devs." : themler now open, works, but save only entire project (plus message on security center: " blocked because developer not identified"
Any idea?
Wich user is user from themler to write files?

I have installed new version of themler (existent is 119: not update automatically?) and result is: - application not open because author not aothorized developper (current config is "Mac app store and authorized devs." - if simply authorize app in security center it not open ( a loop for opens and request authorization ) - modify authorization app in anywhere and then themler open - open my project for custom section - select section to save and click "Export" - prompt for a title appear and click ok - system prompt for a filename appear and put a name and click save - System Notification Popup appear with a message: ERROR: Unable to save file The same situation is on re config security control app on "Mac app store and authorized devs." : themler now open, works, but save only entire project (plus message on security center: " blocked because developer not identified" Any idea? Wich user is user from themler to write files? thanks Andrea
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 August 2016

Hello Andrea,
I'm sorry for delay in response.
Please try to create the log file following the article
and attach the log here


Hello Andrea, I'm sorry for delay in response. Please try to create the log file following the article and attach the log here Regards, Aileen
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 25 August 2016

this it
obviously in mac not exist debug mode and this is response of internal diagnostic tool
Another information: i have a MAMP installed on my mac



this it obviously in mac not exist debug mode and this is response of internal diagnostic tool Another information: i have a MAMP installed on my mac Thanks Andrea
Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 September 2016

Hello Andrea,
I'm sorry for delay in response.
I'll ask developers for check the log file and will let you know


Hello Andrea, I'm sorry for delay in response. I'll ask developers for check the log file and will let you know Regards, Aileen
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 15 October 2016

Any solution?


Hello!?!?! Any solution? Andrea
Support Team
Support Team posted this 18 October 2016

Hello Andrea,
I'm terribly sorry for delay in response.

Please attach the screenshot of all menu items where you've changed the security settings.
Also please let us know where you're trying to save the exported file.
Try to save it into a temporary folder or Desktop. Let us know the results.


Hello Andrea, I'm terribly sorry for delay in response. Please attach the screenshot of all menu items where you've changed the security settings. Also please let us know where you're trying to save the exported file. Try to save it into a temporary folder or Desktop. Let us know the results. regards, Aileen
Andrea Doppio
16 Posts
Andrea Doppio posted this 21 October 2016

I try to save into a folder on the Desktop or in a folder on Documents or other side but result is the same: error.
I dont understand this:

Please attach the screenshot of all menu items where you've changed the security settings.

which menu? menu items security settings? I do not know what you're talking about or what I have to check

I try to save into a folder on the Desktop or in a folder on Documents or other side but result is the same: error. I dont understand this: > Please attach the screenshot of all menu items where you've changed the security settings. which menu? menu items security settings? I do not know what you're talking about or what I have to check
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 October 2016

Hello Andrea,
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
The issue is not quite clear and so we're asking about screenshots of following items:

  • application not open because author not aothorized developper
    (current config is "Mac app store and authorized devs."
  • if simply authorize app in security center it not open ( a loop for opens and request authorization )
  • modify authorization app in anywhere and then themler open
  • open my project for custom section
  • select section to save and click "Export"
  • prompt for a title appear and click ok
  • system prompt for a filename appear and put a name and click save
  • System Notification Popup appear with a message: ERROR: Unable to save file

In regarding to your comment

The same situation is on re config security control app on "Mac app
store and authorized devs." : themler now open, works, but save only
entire project (plus message on security center: " blocked
because developer not identified"

Thank you.


Hello Andrea, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The issue is not quite clear and so we're asking about screenshots of following items: - application not open because author not aothorized developper (current config is "Mac app store and authorized devs." - if simply authorize app in security center it not open ( a loop for opens and request authorization ) - modify authorization app in anywhere and then themler open - open my project for custom section - select section to save and click "Export" - prompt for a title appear and click ok - system prompt for a filename appear and put a name and click save - System Notification Popup appear with a message: ERROR: Unable to save file In regarding to your comment > The same situation is on re config security control app on "Mac app > store and authorized devs." : themler now open, works, but save only > entire project (plus message on security center: " blocked > because developer not identified" Thank you. regards, Aileen
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